APL98 Conference Call for Papers
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg9842] APL98 Conference Call for Papers
- From: Paolo Di Chio <mc0307 at mclink.it>
- Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 05:35:55 -0500
- Organization: Faculty of Economy, University of L'Aquila
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at wolfram.com
ItApl, the Italian SIGAPL chapter, is announcing the 1998 Annual APL Conference that will be held in Rome from July 27th, to July 31th, at the Faculty of Economics of University of Rome "Tor Vergata". The conference is devoted to present the state of the art in the development and applications of array processing languages, with particular attention on computational environments and marketplace languages such as APL, J, Mathematica, Fortran90, Matlab, Gauss, and others. APL98 Rome July, 27th-31st, 1998 University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Faculty of Economics The Array Processing Languages Conference "New gems from old roots" Call for Papers The landscape of computing is continually changing. New achievements bring new possibilities to the users and pose new challenges to both practitioners and theoreticians. On new frontiers of computing are such issues as distributed computing, location-independence, remote programming, interaction and smart agents. Are APL, J and in general array processing languages (APLs) still able to live up to these challenges? Are APLers brave enough to come out of their niches and once again take their place on the leading edge of computer science? Consider how APL on its inception set the agenda for modern computing: interpretation, standard set of primitives designed for machine independence, inter process communication, parallelism, typed I/O. In the following years developers of APLs have come out with a wealth of enrichments of the original environment: full screen editors, object-oriented extensions, new control flow primitives, interfaces with other languages, environments and operating systems. The time has come to promote a new and central role for array processing languages in the new territories of end-user computing through their expressiveness, of INTERNET computing through the possibility of encapsulating data and programs, of high performance computing through their native management of parallelism. Contributions are sought which will emphasize how array processing languages are a significant response to the new exigencies, how they allow the rapid development of significant applications both in classical and in new fields of use, how they provide adequate settings for users to develop their own applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 1. State of the art of APLs: Present situation and future directions 2. Computer Science: Human Computer Interaction, Object-Oriented Programming, Parallel Architectures, Parallelism and Concurrency, Distribution, Meta-level Programming, INTERNET Computing 3. Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and new computing paradigms (Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, DNA computing) 4. Applications: Finance and Financial Maths Economics and Social Sciences Insurance and Actuarial Maths Statistics and Operational Research Image Processing Simulation of physical, biological and social phenomena Others 5. Education: Teaching APLs, Teaching with APLs Types of contributions: Several types of contributions are welcome, namely: 1. Papers 30/45 minutes scientificcommunication 2. Tutorials 60/90 minutes knowledge dissemination (single or multiple sessions) 3. Workshops 90 minutes technical hands-on (single or multiple sessions) 4. Poster/panel sessions 5. Birds-of-a-feather sessions For each of them the following time schedule is provided ----------------------------------------------------------- Papers: January 15th 1 page abstract, indicating the main topic and the subcategory of the contribution and the time requested (30/45 minutes) February 15th first acceptance April 15th first draft May 15th acceptance notification June 15th final version ----------------------------------------------------------- Tutorials: March 1st 2 page abstract, indicating the topic/category of the tutorial, the time requested (60/90 minutes), if single or multiple session and the availability to possibly replicate the tutorial April 15th acceptance notification June 15th final version ----------------------------------------------------------- Workshops: March 1st 2 page abstract, indicating the topic/category of the workshop, if single or multiple session, hardware and software requirements and the availability to possibly replicate the workshop April 15th acceptance notification June 15th final version ----------------------------------------------------------- Panel-Posters: March 1st 1 page description May 1st acceptance notification ----------------------------------------------------------- Birds-of-a-feather: On site ----------------------------------------------------------- Submission: Abstracts should be submitted on plain ASCII file and sent by e-mail (preferred), fax, or ordinary mail at the following addresses: ----------------------------------------------------------- E-mail: mc0307 at mclink.it apl98_abstract at poeco.utovrm.it ---------------------------------------------------------- Fax: (+39)-862-432403 (Attn. Prof. Antonio Annibali) ----------------------------------------------------------- Ordinary mail: Paolo Di Chio Via Casetta Mattei 413, 00148 Rome, Italy ----------------------------------------------------------- Proceedings: Contributions will be published in the Conference Proceedings. ----------------------------------------------------------- For more informations and updates on the Conference visit our web site at http://ibmaix.economia.utovrm.it -----------------------------------------------------------