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A Few More Newbie Questions


I am a relative newbie with Mathematica, and am currently trying to type
up  a project. I have set the notebook's default cell style to "Text".
The  questions are as follows :

(1) This question is probably extremely basic, so I apologize if it is a
dumb question, however I can't find a direct answer to this in the
online  help. I want to start a new paragraph in a new cell, and the
only way that  I can find to do this is to hit the down arrow at the
end of the previous  paragraph. Is this the correct (best ?) way of
doing this ?

(2) I am trying to find a way to consecutively number my equations
(which  are scattered in between explanatory text in my notebook). The
only thing  that I have been able to find in the Mathematica book is
section 1.10.14  "Automatic Numbering", which is a fairly vague
overview of how this is  done. Would someone be able to tell me how
this is supposed to be done ?  Also, if you have two very
closely-related equations next to each other in  the text...if you
wanted to (say) number them as (14a) and (14b) instead of  (14) and
(15), how could you do this ?

(3) Mention is made in section 1.10.14 of the Mathematica Book of the 
"NumberedEquation" cell style. However, when I drop down the style
option  from the Format menu, it is not on the list of styles. So, how
do you set a  cell to have the "NumberedEquation" style ?

(4)  I am also trying to number my sections consecutively, and am
striking  a problem. Firstly when I apply the option "Create Automatic
Numbering  Object" off of the input menu, it starts numbering at 0, but
I want it to  start numbering at 1. Also, how to get the sub-sections
and sub-subsections  to be numbered appropriately, i.e. if the main
section is numbered "3.",  how can I get the subsections to be numbered
"3.1", "3.2" and the  sub-subsections to be numbered "3.1.1", "3.1.2"
etc. ?

Many thanks in advance for your help,

Andrew J Fortune 

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