Re: Description of the function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg13754] Re: Description of the function
- From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
- Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 05:07:06 -0400
- Organization: University of Western Australia
- References: <6rdrdq$>
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Toshiyuki Meshii wrote: > I want to make a least square fit of some data set A{x1, x2, f}. The > function to be fitted is > > f[x1_, x2_, a_, b_] = a*x1 + b*x2^2 > > When I define a error function > erf[a_,b_,c_,d_]= Sum[ ( f[ A[[j]][[1]], A[[j]][[2]],a,b]-A[[j]] )^2, > {j,6} ] This is not a good idea, in general, since the number of terms will not be fixed. > How can I obtain function erf in a direct form? The simplest way is to load In[1]:= <<Statistics`NonlinearFit` Then the fit and error can be obtained immediately: In[2]:= NonlinearFit[data,f[x1,x2,a,b],{x1,x2},{a,b}, ShowProgress->True] Appended below is a Notebook with some more specific comments. Cheers, Paul ____________________________________________________________________ Paul Abbott Phone: +61-8-9380-2734 Department of Physics Fax: +61-8-9380-1014 The University of Western Australia Nedlands WA 6907 mailto:paul at AUSTRALIA God IS a weakly left-handed dice player ____________________________________________________________________ Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Least-squares Fit", "Section"], Cell[TextData[{ "I want to make a least square fit of some data set, ", StyleBox["e.g.", FontSlant->"Italic"], "," }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`data = Flatten[ Table[{x, y, 15.3 x + 3.2 y\^2 + Random[Real, {\(-0.1\), 0.1}]}, { x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 5}], 1]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ RowBox[{"(", GridBox[{ {"0", "0", "0.0880062597881452468`"}, {"0", "1", "3.18294258055859957`"}, {"0", "2", "12.7747345223256325`"}, {"0", "3", "28.7048295747130701`"}, {"0", "4", "51.275974732293541`"}, {"0", "5", "79.9306644406819533`"}, {"1", "0", "15.3506154624638053`"}, {"1", "1", "18.4079100655106451`"}, {"1", "2", "28.0880050807756873`"}, {"1", "3", "44.1772500913196175`"}, {"1", "4", "66.4320848578615841`"}, {"1", "5", "95.2302736133987437`"}, {"2", "0", "30.5201033295162904`"}, {"2", "1", "33.7100417945716079`"}, {"2", "2", "43.3005355479892806`"}, {"2", "3", "59.4915452159901114`"}, {"2", "4", "81.717016825425599`"}, {"2", "5", "110.636494402211771`"}, {"3", "0", "45.8368889767999299`"}, {"3", "1", "49.1608124168589277`"}, {"3", "2", "58.6593144675969746`"}, {"3", "3", "74.6566376651778096`"}, {"3", "4", "97.0760053501765263`"}, {"3", "5", "125.808605428462594`"}, {"4", "0", "61.1713082078088365`"}, {"4", "1", "64.4736950846192069`"}, {"4", "2", "73.9012708278508956`"}, {"4", "3", "89.9037758537495257`"}, {"4", "4", "112.395333475515313`"}, {"4", "5", "141.243030643937235`"} }, ColumnAlignments->{Decimal}], ")"}], TraditionalForm]], "Output"] }, Closed]], Cell["The function to be fitted is", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\(f(x1_, x2_, a_: a, b_: b) = b\ x2\^2 + a\ x1; \)\)], "Input"], Cell["After loading", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`<< Statistics`NonlinearFit`\)], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "the fit and ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\[Chi]\^2\)]], " can be obtained immediately:" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`NonlinearFit[data, f[x1, x2, a, b], {x1, x2}, {a, b}, ShowProgress \[Rule] True]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Iteration:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1\\) \ ChiSquared:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\\"95028.3\\\"\\) \ Parameters:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\({\\\"1.\\\", \\\"1.\\\"}\\)\\)\"\>", StringForm[ "Iteration:`1` ChiSquared:`2` Parameters:`3`", 1, NumberForm[ 95028.33338408306, 6], NumberForm[ {1.0, 1.0}, 6]], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Iteration:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`2\\) \ ChiSquared:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\\"0.166465\\\"\\) \ Parameters:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\({\\\"15.2817\\\", \ \\\"3.19839\\\"}\\)\\)\"\>", StringForm[ "Iteration:`1` ChiSquared:`2` Parameters:`3`", 2, NumberForm[ 0.16646547033493583, 6], NumberForm[ {15.281664747550501, 3.1983921972331486}, 6]], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Iteration:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`3\\) \ ChiSquared:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\\"0.127124\\\"\\) \ Parameters:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\({\\\"15.2932\\\", \\\"3.1993\\\"}\\)\\)\ \"\>", StringForm[ "Iteration:`1` ChiSquared:`2` Parameters:`3`", 3, NumberForm[ 0.12712406008027677, 6], NumberForm[ {15.293182518049207, 3.1992963674966468}, 6]], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Iteration:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`4\\) \ ChiSquared:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\\"0.127124\\\"\\) \ Parameters:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\({\\\"15.2932\\\", \\\"3.1993\\\"}\\)\\)\ \"\>", StringForm[ "Iteration:`1` ChiSquared:`2` Parameters:`3`", 4, NumberForm[ 0.12712405983015276, 6], NumberForm[ {15.293183851253794, 3.1992963081159984}, 6]], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\<\"Iteration:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`5\\) \ ChiSquared:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\\"0.127124\\\"\\) \ Parameters:\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`\\({\\\"15.2932\\\", \\\"3.1993\\\"}\\)\\)\ \"\>", StringForm[ "Iteration:`1` ChiSquared:`2` Parameters:`3`", 5, NumberForm[ 0.12712405983015204, 6], NumberForm[ {15.293183851265326, 3.1992963081144059}, 6]], Editable->False], TraditionalForm]], "Print"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`3.1992963081144059`\ x2\^2 + 15.2931838512653257`\ x1\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["Alternatively, define an error function:", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`error[x1_, \ x2_, \ x3_, a_: a, \ b_: b]\ = \ \((f[x1, x2, a, b] - x3)\)\^2\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\((b\ x2\^2 + a\ x1 - x3)\)\^2\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "The total error (or ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\[Chi]\^2\)]], ") is then" }], "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\(\[Chi] /: \[Chi]\^2 = Plus@@Apply[error, data, 1]; \)\)], "Input"], Cell[TextData[{ "For example, with the parameters ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`a \[Rule] 1\)]], " and ", Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`b \[Rule] 1\)]], "," }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`\[Chi]\^2 /. {a \[Rule] 1, b \[Rule] 1}\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm\`95028.3333840830479`\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "in agreement with ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox["NonlinearFit", "Input"], TraditionalForm]]], "." }], "Text"], Cell["The parameters can be determined numerically:", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`NSolve[{\[PartialD]\_a \[Chi]\^2 == 0, \[PartialD]\_b \[Chi]\^2 == 0}, { a, b}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`{{a \[Rule] 15.2931838512768543`, b \[Rule] 3.1992963081128134`}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[TextData[{ "More generally, one can use ", Cell[BoxData[ FormBox[ StyleBox["FindRoot", "Input"], TraditionalForm]]], ":" }], "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`FindRoot[ Evaluate[{\[PartialD]\_a \[Chi]\^2 == 0, \[PartialD]\_b \[Chi]\^2 == 0}], {a, 1}, {b, 1}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \(TraditionalForm \`{a \[Rule] 15.2931838512768614`, b \[Rule] 3.19929630811281384`}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] } ]