[Date Index] [Thread Index] [Author Index]
- inquiry, leila guerrero, 1998/08/03
- Re: Block diagonal systems, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Block diagonal systems, Rolf Mertig, 1998/08/03
- Re: Block diagonal systems, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/07
- Re: Block diagonal systems, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/07
- Mandelbrot, Jon Prudhomme, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Mandelbrot, Daitaro Hagihara, 1998/08/07
- Re: Mandelbrot, Jens-Peer Kuska, 1998/08/07
- Re: Mandelbrot, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/07
- Re: Mandelbrot, Martin Kraus, 1998/08/07
- Using $PreRead with Notebook frontend, Orjan Gustavsson, 1998/08/03
- Re: problem with Needs[ ] command, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/03
- Re: ScaledMultipleListPlot, Tom Burton, 1998/08/03
- Re: Undocumented 3.0 Features, Murray Eisenberg, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Undocumented 3.0 Features, Robert Villegas, 1998/08/11
- Re: Undocumented 3.0 Features, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/15
- Re: Re: Help please: Summing a list, Jon Prudhomme, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Re: Help please: Summing a list, Jon Prudhomme, 1998/08/03
- What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Christian Keysers, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, zeno, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Christian Keysers, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Andrew Watson, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Carl Woll, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, David Konerding, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, victor_v, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/07
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Selwyn Hollis, 1998/08/11
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Kenneth R. Foster, 1998/08/11
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Vladimir Radionov, 1998/08/15
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Richard Easther, 1998/08/19
- Re: What is the fastest machine for Mathematica?, Richard Easther, 1998/08/24
- Re: System of differential equations, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/03
- Publicon Problems, Kevin J. McCann, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Publicon Problems, Carl Woll, 1998/08/07
- Re: Eigenvectors of a Complex Hermitian Matrix, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/03
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Eigenvectors of a Complex Hermitian Matrix, John Sidles, 1998/08/07
- Memory Management, Idoia Aguirre, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Memory Management, David Withoff, 1998/08/11
- Re: Memory Management, Idoia Aguirre, 1998/08/19
- New Notebook Select or Evaluation Command?, AES, 1998/08/07
- Re: New Notebook Select or Evaluation Command?, Carl K.Woll, 1998/08/11
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: New Notebook Select or Evaluation Command?, Barthelet, Luc, 1998/08/11
- PS and EPS on Display, Massimiliano Bonamente, 1998/08/07
- Mathematica dies with bus error---known bug?, Gerhard Wesp, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Mathematica dies with bus error---known bug?, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/11
- Can't take a value from an InterpolatingFunction., I. Ioannou, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Can't take a value from an InterpolatingFunction., Allan Hayes, 1998/08/11
- Re: Can't take a value from an InterpolatingFunction., Paul Abbott, 1998/08/11
- A couple of curious outputs from Integrate[], James Lawry, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: A couple of curious outputs from Integrate[], Jean-Michel Collard, 1998/08/11
- Re: A couple of curious outputs from Integrate[], Harald Giese, 1998/08/28
- Pattern matching trivia, Ersek_Ted%PAX1A, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Pattern matching trivia, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/11
- Re: Pattern matching trivia, Robert Villegas, 1998/08/11
- RE: Re: Undocumented 3.0 Featu, Ersek_Ted%PAX1A, 1998/08/07
- Solving log equations, how?, Jeffrey A. Soesbergen, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Solving log equations, how?, Bruce H. Williams, 1998/08/11
- Re: Solving log equations, how?, Arnoud Buzing, 1998/08/11
- DSolve initial conditions, Richard W. Klopp, 1998/08/07
- Re: Does Mathematica speed up with multiple processors under NT?, Gerhard Wesp, 1998/08/07
- operator overloading with UpValues (eg, for shifting graphics), Daniel Reeves, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: operator overloading with UpValues (eg, for shifting graphics), Allan Hayes, 1998/08/11
- Re: operator overloading with UpValues (eg, for shifting graphics), Paul Abbott, 1998/08/11
- Precision & InputForm perils, Ersek_Ted%PAX1A, 1998/08/07
- Mathematica lock-up when comsuming Win95 system resources, L. Dwynn Lafleur, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Mathematica lock-up when comsuming Win95 system resources, Barthelet, Luc, 1998/08/11
- Re: Mathematica lock-up when comsuming Win95 system resources, Carl Woll, 1998/08/11
- Re: Mathematica lock-up when comsuming Win95 system resources, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/11
- Re: Mathematica lock-up when comsuming Win95 system resources, Neil Soiffer, 1998/08/15
- Re: Applying restrictions on matrix multiplication, Carl Woll, 1998/08/07
- Displaying steps, Norman E. LeMay, Jr., 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Displaying steps, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/11
- Re: 3d graphs (parametric), Erik Rossen, 1998/08/07
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: 3d graphs (parametric), cutforth craig f, 1998/08/07
- Re: 3d graphs (parametric), Allan Hayes, 1998/08/11
- MathGroup/Newsgroup Search Engine, Steve Christensen, 1998/08/11
- recursive relation problem ?, cplai, 1998/08/11
- Re: recursive relation problem ?, Unal Goktas, 1998/08/15
- Re: recursive relation problem ?, Carl K.Woll, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: recursive relation problem ?, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/15
- Re: recursive relation problem ?, Ronald Bruck, 1998/08/15
- Re: recursive relation problem ?, BobHanlon, 1998/08/15
- Re: recursive relation problem ?, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/15
- Request for help: working with multi-level lists, KCConnolly, 1998/08/11
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, Carl K.Woll, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, Will Self, 1998/08/15
- RE: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/15
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/15
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, BobHanlon, 1998/08/15
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, David Keith, 1998/08/15
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, Denis Foo Kune, 1998/08/15
- Re: Request for help: working with multi-level lists, Hans Staugaard, 1998/08/15
- unwrapping ArcTan, Linda Rogers, 1998/08/11
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: unwrapping ArcTan, Daniel Lichtblau, 1998/08/19
- Re: stack over flow, Tom Burton, 1998/08/11
- linking c++ and mathematica, Hwee Kuan Lee, 1998/08/11
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: linking c++ and mathematica, Kevin Leuthold, 1998/08/15
- Re: linking c++ and mathematica, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/15
- what does error msges means?, Hwee Kuan Lee, 1998/08/11
- Parabolic equation in DSolve, Vitaliy Ababiy, 1998/08/11
- Re: Mathematica and Win98?, bossy, 1998/08/11
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Mathematica and Win98?, BobMcCrory, 1998/08/15
- Solve Equations over Finite Group, Alexander Craig Russell, 1998/08/11
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Solve Equations over Finite Group, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/15
- Re: Solve Equations over Finite Group, Daniel Lichtblau, 1998/08/19
- High precision numbers and Plot[] ?, a_kowald, 1998/08/11
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: High precision numbers and Plot[] ?, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/15
- Re: High precision numbers and Plot[] ?, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/15
- Re: High precision numbers and Plot[] ?, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/15
- Printing problems - Mac., Jim Kauffman, 1998/08/11
- Re: Linking in Fortran to Mathematica, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/11
- Dimensions and Variables II, naum, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Dimensions and Variables II, Wouter Meeussen, 1998/08/19
- Re: Dimensions and Variables II, Tobias Oed, 1998/08/19
- first usage of a button, jmthomas, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: first usage of a button, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/19
- Running 3.0 remotely, Joel Cannon, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Running 3.0 remotely, Gerhard Wesp, 1998/08/19
- Re: Running 3.0 remotely, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/19
- Re: Running 3.0 remotely, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/24
- Label Display in 2-D Plots?, Stefan Jeglinski, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Label Display in 2-D Plots?, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/19
- Re: Label Display in 2-D Plots?, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/19
- Re: Label Display in 2-D Plots?, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/24
- AbstractAlgebra, Kenneth Levasseur, 1998/08/15
- .nb and .m MIME types?, Murray Eisenberg, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: .nb and .m MIME types?, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/19
- Re: .nb and .m MIME types?, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/24
- Question for using complex variables, Chongdae Park, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Question for using complex variables, Daniel Lichtblau, 1998/08/19
- Re: Question for using complex variables, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/19
- Re: Question for using complex variables, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/24
- Re: Question for using complex variables, Tobias Oed, 1998/08/28
- simplifying complex polynomials, Daniel H. Steinberg, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: simplifying complex polynomials, Wouter Meeussen, 1998/08/19
- Re: simplifying complex polynomials, Wouter Meeussen, 1998/08/24
- Fourier Transform, Edward Neuman, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Fourier Transform, David Withoff, 1998/08/19
- Re: Fourier Transform, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/19
- Re: Fourier Transform, David Withoff, 1998/08/24
- Dimensions and Variables, Naum Phleger, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Dimensions and Variables, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/19
- variable dependencies, naum, 1998/08/15
- Hand-shaped cursor??, Changmock Shin, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Hand-shaped cursor??, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/19
- Mathematica Crash, Xin Huang, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Mathematica Crash, Koen Grijspeerdt, 1998/08/19
- Re: Mathematica Crash, Koen Grijspeerdt, 1998/08/24
- Problems with packages, Silvia Heubach, 1998/08/15
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Problems with packages, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/19
- A hard Series problem., Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: A hard Series problem., James Lawry, 1998/08/24
- Mathematica graphics viewers, Xah Lee, 1998/08/19
- Timing Calculations, Idoia Aguirre, 1998/08/19
- Cool Documentation, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/19
- Please somebody, need help on weightmatching/minimizing problem!, leif huntus, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Please somebody, need help on weightmatching/minimizing problem!, leif huntus, 1998/08/24
- variable dependence, Naum Phleger, 1998/08/19
- Importing CSV (comma separated values) files?, Joe Gwinn, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Importing CSV (comma separated values) files?, David Withoff, 1998/08/24
- Importing CSV (comma separated values) files?, Joe Gwinn, 1998/08/24
- Re: Importing CSV (comma separated values) files?, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/24
- Re: Importing CSV (comma separated values) files?, Sherman.Reed, 1998/08/28
- Re: Importing CSV (comma separated values) files?, Joe Gwinn, 1998/08/29
- Quadric, MAvalosJr, 1998/08/19
- Existance problem, Joacim Jonsson, 1998/08/19
- integrating a bivariate normal, Dennis Swaney, 1998/08/19
- Numbers in arbitrary bases, Jon Prudhomme, 1998/08/19
- Re: Numbers in arbitrary bases, MJE, 1998/08/28
- Help: How to add label such as "alpha" in plotting?, Lizhi Ma, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Help: How to add label such as "alpha" in plotting?, Harald Giese, 1998/08/28
- groebner Basis, Colin, 1998/08/19
- High precision expressions and functions, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/19
- Removing packages, Mitchell Kaplan, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Removing packages, Harald Giese, 1998/08/28
- questions about make boxes, Tom, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: questions about make boxes, Arnoud Buzing, 1998/08/28
- TeXForm[] anyone??, Carlos Wexler, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: TeXForm[] anyone??, Gerhard Wesp, 1998/08/24
- Re: TeXForm[] anyone??, Martin Bauer, 1998/08/24
- Null in output problem, Tom Goetze, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Null in output problem, Clemens Frey, 1998/08/24
- Replacement rules in NonCommutative Algebra Package, Nam-Anh Nguyen, 1998/08/19
- Integrals, phpcp, 1998/08/19
- ListDensity Plot printing problem., Kumar Rajan, 1998/08/19
- Description of the function, Toshiyuki Meshii, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Description of the function, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/24
- external use of interpolatingFunction, Thomas Kalka, 1998/08/19
- Automatic Animation, Alexander Kricke, 1998/08/19
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Automatic Animation, Alexander Kricke, 1998/08/24
- Re: Left and right quotes, jpk, 1998/08/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Left and right quotes, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/28
- Disappearing variables, nobody, 1998/08/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Disappearing variables, David Withoff, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, Torben Winther Graversen, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, Jon Prudhomme, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, BobHanlon, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, Tobias Oed, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, Jurgen Tischer, 1998/08/28
- Re: Disappearing variables, Julian Stoev, 1998/08/29
- Re: Disappearing variables, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/31
- Re: Derivative via mathematica, jpk, 1998/08/24
- Re: a^n*b^n != (a*b)^n, Murray Eisenberg, 1998/08/24
- Animation, Alexander Braden Bates, 1998/08/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Animation, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/28
- Re: Method to eliminate NIntegrate warning, jpk, 1998/08/24
- Q: ShowLegend, Ron Elsner, 1998/08/24
- Help on (* comments *), Gadi Oron, 1998/08/24
- Help: Labels in Greek letter in Mathematica Plot, Lizhi Ma, 1998/08/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Help: Labels in Greek letter in Mathematica Plot, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/28
- Doing a table of contents ; also : footnotes ?, Culioli JC, 1998/08/24
- Problems with Read[stream,String] after Read[stream,Number], L. Dwynn Lafleur, 1998/08/24
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Problems with Read[stream,String] after Read[stream,Number], David Withoff, 1998/08/28
- Re: Matrix Multiplication, Murray Eisenberg, 1998/08/24
- An operator called-- LocalRule, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: An operator called-- LocalRule, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/29
- A Most Annoying Problem, Kevin J. McCann, 1998/08/28
- FeynArts, Jack Huesman, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: FeynArts, Rolf Mertig, 1998/08/29
- Looking for Contractor, JWolf97, 1998/08/28
- Re: Null in Output Solved?, Clemens Frey, 1998/08/28
- Job query re Mathematica in DC metro area., riker, 1998/08/28
- NDSolve, Jim McGuire, 1998/08/28
- New web-site about Mathematica 3 in Russian, nik, 1998/08/28
- Automatic Backup of Notebooks?, franki, 1998/08/28
- mathlm question, Gerhard Wesp, 1998/08/28
- MacOS vs. Windows PC for Mathematica?, franki, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: MacOS vs. Windows PC for Mathematica?, John Fultz, 1998/08/29
- Re: MacOS vs. Windows PC for Mathematica?, Harald Giese, 1998/08/29
- Defining differential operators question, tgoetze, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Defining differential operators question, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/29
- Re: Defining differential operators question, Jurgen Tischer, 1998/08/30
- Re: Re: Defining differential operators question, BobHanlon, 1998/08/31
- Re: Re: Defining differential operators question, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/31
- Animations on mathematica, magic on line, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Animations on mathematica, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/29
- Function as an argument to a function, Jani Eerikki Lakkakorpi, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Function as an argument to a function, BobHanlon, 1998/08/29
- Re: Function as an argument to a function, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/29
- Re: Function as an argument to a function, Tobias Oed, 1998/08/29
- Re: Function as an argument to a function, Harald Giese, 1998/08/29
- Re: Function as an argument to a function, Jurgen Tischer, 1998/08/30
- math versus mathematica, David Epstein, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: math versus mathematica, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/29
- Difficulties with Front End and with mysterious messages, David Epstein, 1998/08/28
- Monte Carlo Integration, Hannah Valentine, 1998/08/28
- Mathematica, Ryan Taylor, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Mathematica, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/29
- Re: Mathematica, P.J. Hinton, 1998/08/29
- FresnelS & FresnelC, Steven T. Hatton, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: FresnelS & FresnelC, BobHanlon, 1998/08/29
- Re: FresnelS & FresnelC, Paul Abbott, 1998/08/29
- Scaled Axes, Wolfgang Grond, 1998/08/28
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Scaled Axes, Allan Hayes, 1998/08/29
- Re: Scaled Axes, Jurgen Tischer, 1998/08/30
- StyleSheets and Palettes in your application, Brett H. Barnhart, 1998/08/28
- Improving Plot evaluation, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/29
- An operator called-- LocalSet, Ersek, Ted R, 1998/08/29
- integral of a real function is real ?, , 1998/08/29
- Axes Labels in ListPlot3D, Alex Bates, 1998/08/29
- Saving animations as an AVI?, Chris, 1998/08/29
- Problem with `Complete Selection', Karsten Chmielewski, 1998/08/29
- Lissajous W (was Re: Looking for Contractor), Martin Kraus, 1998/08/29
- Shell script for editing mathematica input on Unix, Tobias Oed, 1998/08/29
- C++ Builder for MathLink Programs, Larry L. Long, 1998/08/29
- UNEXPECTED END OF FILE !!!!!!, tolg, 1998/08/30
- Summing over like elements, Mitchell Kaplan, 1998/08/31