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RE: Can Factorial[] be compiled?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15023] RE: [mg14990] Can Factorial[] be compiled?
  • From: "Ersek, Ted R" <ErsekTR at>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 01:30:25 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Compile can't convert Factorial[i] into pseudocode.  You can get a list
of all constants and functions that Compile can convert to pseudocode
if you search for Compile at:

To get your Compiled function to work well you need to replace Factorial
and Sum with lower level functions.  The following should work nicely:

f = Compile[{{m, _Real}, {n, _Real}},
    (m^i*Sqrt[i])/Times@@Range[i],{i, 1.0, n,1.0}

Below we see the CompiledFunction for (f) is all pseudocode.



Ted Ersek

I'm trying to compile the function below, but Mathematica refuses to 
compile the i!; notice the term

{31, Function[{m, n}, i!], {i, 3, 0, 15, Block}, 3, 0, 19}

in the InputForm of the compiled function. Does anyone have a suggestion
on  how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

Wagner Truppel

f = Compile[{{m, _Real}, {n, _Real}}, Sum[(m^i*Sqrt[i])/i!, {i, 1.0, n, 


InputForm[CompiledFunction[{_Real, _Real}, {0, 5, 21, 0, 2}, {{1, 2},
{4,  1, 0}, {4, 2, 1}, {42, 0, 2}, {53, 2, 3}, {15, 1., 13}, {15, 1.,
14}, {14,  1, 2}, {42, 13, 15}, {34, 1, 15, 15}, {45, 14, 16}, {38, 15,
16, 15}, {83,  15, 3}, {33, 2, 3, 2}, {108, 2, 1, 3, 1}, {14, 0, 3},
{24, 3, 17}, {38, 17,  14, 17}, {34, 13, 17, 17}, {20, 17, 15}, {131,
3, 2, 8}, {50, 0, 15, 17},  {52, 15, 18}, {31, Function[{m, n}, i!],
{i, 3, 0, 15, Block}, 3, 0, 19},  {45, 19, 20}, {38, 17, 18, 20, 17},
{109, 17, 1}, {91, -11}, {15, 0, 11},  {107, 1, 3}, {14, 0, 4}, {131,
4, 3, 5}, {114, 1, 4, 12}, {34, 11, 12, 12},  {20, 12, 11}, {91, -4},
{38, 3, 11, 2}, {9, 2}}, Function[{m, n},  Sum[(m^i*Sqrt[i])/i!, {i,
1.0, n, 1.0}]/E^m]]]

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