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Re: MathLink with Win95

David Konerding wrote:
> Hi, folks.  I have downloaded what I believe to be the latest MathLink
> SDK from Wolfram Research.  I've been able to compile and run the first
> test program, addtwo, but it doesn't seem to work.
> The release notes I got with the SDK are for Win 3.1, I'm using Win95
> with Visual C++ 5.0

If the stuff you got is documented for Windows 3.1, it sounds like you
got the 2.2 MathLink developer's kit.  You should be aware that there's
a more recent version (the 3.0 MathLink developer's kit) with much
better documentation and support for 32-bit Windows development.

> To compile addtwo, I ran mprep to generate addtwotm.c, then created a
> Vis C++ project containing addtwo.c, addtwotm.c, and the necessary
> mathlink libs.
> I've copied the appropriate DLLs into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

Assuming that my guess about you're getting the 2.2 developer's kit is
correct, there's more that needs to be done.  The .mll files also need
to be copied into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, and you need to create
a file called MATHLINK.INI in the WINDOWS directory that reads as


(note that's a backward apostrophe, not a normal apostrophe) Without the
MATHLINK.INI file, 2.2 MathLink is unable to locate the underlying
communications protocols it uses (3.0 MathLink, on the other hand, does
not require this file).

John Fultz
Front End Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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