Re: Extracting polynomial coefficient?
- To:
- Subject: [mg11761] Re: Extracting polynomial coefficient?
- From: Allan Hayes <>
- Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 03:09:31 -0500
- References: <6emdjm$> <6esone$>
A way that seems to work well for sparse and for dense polynomials solution3[expr_, vars_]:= Module[{h}, Replace[Expand[Collect[expr, vars, h]], {e_Plus:>List@@e, e_:>{e}}]/. {u_.h[y_] -> {u,y}}] My previous code (memory intensive; slow for sparse polynomials but quick for dense ones) solution1[ pol_, vars_] := Cases[ MapIndexed[ List, CoefficientList[pol, vars], {Length[vars]} ], {c_?(#=!=0&), ind_} :> {Times @@ (vars^(ind-1)), c}, {Length[vars]} ] Fred Simons' previous code ( quick for sparse polynomials but slow for dense ones) solution2[ pol_, vars_ ] := Module[ {ff}, ff /: ff[x_] ff[y_] := ff[x y]; ff /: ff[x_]^y_ := ff[x^y]; Cases[ Collect[ pp1=(pol /. (#->ff[#]&) /@ vars), ff[_] ], x_. ff[y_] :> {y, x} ] ] Comparison on sparse polynomials [100MHz PowerMac] z := Random[Integer, {0, 10}] pol =Sum[ (z+1) a^z b^z c^z d^z e^z , {100} ]; (sp1 =solution1[pol,{a,b,c,d,e}]);//Timing {38.4167 Second,Null} (sp2 =solution2[pol,{a,b,c,d,e}]);//Timing {1.91667 Second,Null} (sp3 =solution3[pol,{a,b,c,d,e}]);//Timing {0.416667 Second,Null} Sort[sp1]== Sort[sp2] == Sort[sp3] True Comparison on full polynomials fullpoly[vars_,n_]:= Plus@@Flatten[Outer[Times[Random[Integer,{1,(n+1)^(Length[vars])}],##]&, Sequence@@(Evaluate[vars^#]&[Range[0,n]]) ],Length[vars]-1] fp= fullpoly[{a,b,c,d},4]; (fp1 =solution1[fp,{a,b,c,d,e}]);//Timing {1.61667 Second,Null} (fp2 =solution2[fp,{a,b,c,d,e}]);//Timing {71.8 Second,Null} (fp3 =solution3[fp,{a,b,c,d,e}]);//Timing {2.03333 Second,Null} Sort[fp1 ] == Sort[fp3] True But it turns out that solution2 misses constant terms solution2[ 2 + 3 x,{x}] {{x,3}} But we do have {Complement[fp3,fp2], Complement[fp2,fp3]} {{{1,610}},{}} -- Allan Hayes Training and Consulting Leicester, UK voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198 fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642