MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Viewing 3D slices of data

> What is the best way to view slices of 3-dimensional data in
> Mathematica?  For example, if I have a 3D array of data, how can I view
> slices of it along a given plane or surface?  My initial thoughts are
> to use ParametricPlot3D to generate the surface and some function of
> InterpolatingFunction configured with my data for the color.  However,
> I cannot figure out how to get the colors.  Could someone please
> suggest a method? Also, what is the best way to view isosurfaces?

1.    I think the best way of viewing 3D data for this purpose is to
interpolate it.  You can then do something like
    ContourPlot[Interp[x, y, constant],
        {x, min, max},
        {y, min, max},
    However, your data should be on a grid for this to be truely

2.    Graphics`ContourPlot3D` is the package you need for doing
Isosurfaces.  For this to be effective, you need a fast computer, lots
of time, and lots of patience. Coffee helps too.

 David Annetts                                       _____________                |C R C A M E T|
                                                    |_____        |
 CRC for Australian Mineral                         |````` \      |
 Exploration Technologies                           |`````/$\     |
 Earth Sciences                                     |````/$$$\____|
 Macquarie University, NSW 2109                     |```/$$$/.....|
 AUSTRALIA                                          |``/$$$/......|
 phone: +(1-61-2) 9850 9280, fax (1-61-2) 9850 8366  -------------

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