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In article <6joipa$>, Michael Bunk <>

|> Every time MATHEMATICA produces a message I get a beep as well. Is it
|> possible to switch off this particular beep?

There are four front end option settings which by default may cause the
front end to beep.  They are all a subset of an  aggregate option
called Message Options.

MessageOptions->{"WarningAction" -> "Beep",
                 "ErrorAction" -> {"Beep", "DialogBox"},
                 "ConsoleMessageAction" -> {"Beep", "PrintToConsole"},
                 "KernelMessageAction" -> {"Beep", "PrintToNotebook"}}

You can edit these settings using the front end Option Inspector dialog
box with the scope set to Global.  The option may be found under:

		Global Options
		  Message Options

Simply remove the "Beep" string from the right hand side of each rule. 
If reducing the right hand side results in an empty setting, simply
enter an empty list or the word None as the setting.

P.J. Hinton	
Mathematica Programming Group Wolfram Research,
Inc. Disclaimer: Opinions expressed
herein are those of the author alone.

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