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Re: CoefficientList[] option

Alex Bates wrote:
> Hello Mathgroup Users,
> I want to print out the Q matrix used the the Berlecamp factorization
> algorithm.  To generate the Matrix, I was using:
> f[x_] := x^4 + x + 1    // the function I want to factor h[x_] := x^P-x //
> P large prime for x^P = x mode f
> Table[CoefficientList[PolynomialMod[h[x^n], {f[x], P}], x], {n, 0, P}]
> say P = 3
> Then the Table prints out:
> {{}, {0, 2, 0, 2}, {0, 0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2}}
> But I want this to be a rectangular matrix (Q) so i can find the
> NullSpace and find the irreducible factors (Berlecamp algorithm).
> Is there a way to force CoefficientList[] to pad out its list to P+1
> elements (so that the List it outputs corresponds to a rectangular
> matrix?)
> In other words, is there an option in CoefficientList[] to print out all
> the coefficients up to a certain power of x even if they're zero?
> Thanks,
> Norman Bates

No such option. It has been suggested before and we may implement it in
some future version. For now you can code it yourself along the lines

In[8]:= Q1 = Table[CoefficientList[PolynomialMod[h[x^n],
	{f[x], P}], x], {n, 0, P}];

In[9]:= len = Max[Map[Length,Q1]]
Out[9]= 4

In[10]:= zeroPad[vec_,len_] :=

In[11]:= Q2 = Map[zeroPad[#,len]&, Q1] Out[11]= {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 2, 0,
1}, {0, 0, 1, 2}, {0, 1, 2, 0}}

Alternatively, why not just use Cantor-Zassenhaus?

Daniel Lichtblau
Wolfram Research

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