Limits pre- & post-Solve[]
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg14486] Limits pre- & post-Solve[]
- From: "Richard W. Klopp" <rwklopp at>
- Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 20:59:06 -0400
- Organization: SRI International
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
I've run into difficulties while solving a practical problem. I can illustrate with a simpler example. Consider two linear functions f[x]:=m x + b, and g[x]:= n x + c. The question that I want to answer is how far from the origin do I have to integrate each function so that their definite integrals are equal. I ask for the answer as left and right offset h from some target ordinate t, as shown below. Visualize it as equating the areas under two straight lines bounded on the left by the origin. In[154]:= Solve[Integrate[m x + b,{x,0,t+h}]==Integrate[n x + c,{x,0,t-h}],h] Out[154]= {{h -> (-b - c - m*t - n*t - Sqrt[b^2 + 2*c*b + 4*n*t*b + c^2 + 4*m*n*t^2 + 4*c*m*t])/ (m - n)}, {h -> (-b - c - m*t - n*t + Sqrt[b^2 + 2*c*b + 4*n*t*b + c^2 + 4*m*n*t^2 + 4*c*m*t])/(m - n)}} I think that you can anticipate the problem if the slopes of the lines, m and n are the same: In[155]:= Solve[Integrate[m x + b,{x,0,t+h}]==Integrate[n x + c,{x,0,t-h}],h]/.n->m \!\(Power::"infy" \( : \ \) "Infinite expression \!\(1\/0\) encountered."\) \!\(Power::"infy" \( : \ \) "Infinite expression \!\(1\/0\) encountered."\) Out[155]= {{h -> ComplexInfinity}, {h -> ComplexInfinity}} Taking the limit as one slope approaches the other m->n doesn't help. In[157]:= Limit[h/.Solve[Integrate[m x + b,{x,0,t+h}]==Integrate[n x + c,{x,0,t-h}],h], n->m] Out[157]= {DirectedInfinity[b + c + 2*m*t + Sqrt[b^2 + 2*c*b + 4*m*t*b + c^2 + 4*m^2*t^2 + 4*c*m*t]], DirectedInfinity[b + c + 2*m*t - Sqrt[b^2 + 2*c*b + 4*m*t*b + c^2 + 4*m^2*t^2 + 4*c*m*t]]} However, if I makes the slopes equal before I Solve[], everything's fine. In[158]:= h/.Solve[((Integrate[m x + b,{x,0,t+h}]-Integrate[n x + c,{x,0,t-h}])/.n->m)== 0,h] Out[158]= {((-b + c)*t)/(b + c + 2*m*t)} What's going on and how do I get In[154] to behave as I desire, that is, come out with something like Out[158]?