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Re: M.U.C.

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg20622] Re: [mg20595] M.U.C.
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 02:13:34 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

CoefficientList and Thread are the routines you need to learn about.

Here is your original equation:
eqn0 = E^(-2x)((-3) + 10 b - x + 6 a(1 + 5 x)) == 0;

Your equations only involve the polynomial portion on the left hand side, so we pick
that off and generate the coefficients in x:

coefflist = CoefficientList[eqn0[[1,2]], x]
{-3 + 6 a + 10 b, -1 + 30 a}

We then generate your equations by using Thread over Equal:

eqns = Thread[coefflist == Table[0, {Length[coefflist]}]]
{-3 + 6 a + 10 b == 0, -1 + 30 a == 0}

We can then solve the equations:

{{a -> 1/30, b -> 7/25}}

David Park
djmp at

>How can Mathematica solve the following Linear Operator for a and b?
>(E^(-2 x)((-3) + 10 b - x + 6 a(1 + 5 x)) == 0
>By hand it would be :
>I need mathematica to group the coeeficients of x^0 and x^1, set them equal
>to 0 and solve.
>I am trying to avoid doing the gruoping by hand.  Thanks.

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