Re: Nested Lists
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg28387] Re: [mg28373] Nested Lists
- From: BobHanlon at
- Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 00:13:38 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
n = 5; data = Table[{ToExpression["t"<>ToString[t]], Table[{ToExpression["x"<>(lab = ToString[10t+s])], ToExpression["y"<>lab], ToExpression["z"<>lab]}, {s, 4}]}, {t, n}]; pos = 4; Table[Flatten[{data[[k, 1]], data[[k, 2, pos]]}], {k, n}] {{t1, x14, y14, z14}, {t2, x24, y24, z24}, {t3, x34, y34, z34}, {t4, x44, y44, z44}, {t5, x54, y54, z54}} Bob Hanlon In a message dated 2001/4/14 3:01:03 AM, rlove at writes: >The data consists of a timestamp on a line and then the 3D position of > >each of the N objects for that time. N is always the same number >so I read it it like this: > >ReadList["file",{Number, Table[Number, Number, Number,{N}]}] > >I'm doing this from memory since the computer w/Mathematica is at work. >So I may not have every detail of the ReadList correct but what I end >up >with is > >{{t1,{{x,y,z},{x,y,z},{x,y,z},{x,y,z}}, > {t2,{{x,y,z}... > > >My question is now do I extract this suitable for graphing, that is, >how >do I turn this into something like a set of all the object #4 positions >along with the time? I'm sure there is some combination of Flatten, Take, >Transpose and Map that will do what I want. What is it? Also, is there >a better way to use ReadList? I'm stuck with the file format but I can >change how I read the data. >