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Re: Converting set of equations to matrix

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg26736] Re: Converting set of equations to matrix
  • From: Brian Higgins <bghiggins at>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 02:14:13 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <9462b7$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Here is one way to do it if each equation consists of more than 1
term. In the set you gave your last equation reduces to 3a[0,2]=0. I
have modified it  for this illustration. I am sure the Mathematica
gurus have a slicker way that even works for your case.

myeqns = {3 a[0, 0] + 2 a[0, 2] + 4 a[2, 0] == 0,
-1 a[0, 0] + 0.3 a[2, 0] == 0,
4 a[0, 2] - 1 a[0, 1] == 0}

Map[Drop[#, -1] &, Map[Cases[#, x_?NumberQ, 3] &, eqns]]

{{3, 2, 4}, {-1, 0.3}, {-1, 4}}



In article <9462b7$gc8 at>,
  Helge Kreutzmann <helgek at>
> Hello !
> I have a set of equations I create following some rules, like
> 3 a[0,0] + 2 a[0,2] + 4 a[2,0] = 0
> -1 a[0,0] + 0.3 a[2,0] = 0
> 4 a[0,2] - 1 a[0,2] = 0
> The numbers of coefficients (the a[i,j]) is different in each run
> but fixed. For further calculations I would like to transform the
> above equations into the matrix
> {{3,2,4 },{-1,0,0.3},{0,4,-1}}
> Currently I have a list (called coeffli) where I can get the
> from. The existing coefficients are stored in a second list (klist).
> I also have a list where the values i,j are stored (cplist).
> The above list I would create by
> For[i = 1, i <= Length[kflist], i++,
>   Print[Collect[coeffli[[cplist[[i]][[1]]]][[cplist[[i]][[2]]]], klist]]]
> I can create a list of the equations but I do not know how to tear
> apart the sum into matrix elements.
> Thanks
>         Helge

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