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RE: Can Anyone Help With This?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg29812] RE: [mg29795] Can Anyone Help With This?
  • From: "JOHN C ERB" <JOHN_C_ERB at>
  • Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 01:27:01 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

If I understand your question, the solution is to place a semicolon
after the statement.


[In] 2+2
[Out] 4

[In] 2+2;
No Output

John C. Erb

-----Original Message-----
From: Flip at [mailto:Flip at]
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg29812] [mg29795] Can Anyone Help With This?


I was wondering if it is possible to turn on/off a verbose mode of printing
running modules in Mathematica.

I have the following segment that I'd like to code, but with the ability to
on/off printing of intermediate results.

Here is the algorithm (for example).

Step 0: N = random odd number.
Step 1: K = N+1, P = 1, Q = (1-D)/4, D = 1-4Q
Step 2: Let Kr Kr-1 ... K0 be the binary expansion of K.
Step 3: Set U = 1 and V = P.
Step 4: For i = r-1 to 0,
Set (U, V) = (UV mod N, (V^2 + DU^2)/2 mod N)
If Ki = 1, then also set
(U, V) = ( (PU +V)/2 mod N, (PV + DU)/2 mod N)
Step 5: Uk = U and Vk = V

Is it possible to turn on/off the intermediate results of (U, V)?

Thank you for any input ... Wilson

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