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Re: Names[] for definitions in the current window/notebook?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg28874] Re: Names[] for definitions in the current window/notebook?
  • From: Albert Retey <albert.retey at>
  • Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 04:22:46 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Visual Analysis AG
  • References: <9dnrmc$> <XfiM6.12442$> <9dtbg4$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


> In the code above, the anonymous function will get mapped over any
> symbol in the system that happens to start with "Figure" (right?). I'm
> only interested in definitions that appear explicity in the current
> window.
> This isn't a show-stopper, just a minor annoyance

Usually many notebooks ("windows") can be (and are) connected to the
same kernel. The Names[]-command is a kernel function and the kernel
definitions don't know anything about the notebooks (is that correct?),
in which they have been defined. So to get what you want needs to be
done in either of the following two ways:

1) connect each notebook you have open to an extra kernel via the kernel
menue. this of course can change the usual behaviour of your mathematica
setup quite a bit: definitions done in one notebook will no longer be
available in any  of the others. Also the usual license will only allow
I think two kernels, if you have acces to a network license you might
probablly get problems with other mathematica users if you occupy a
dozen licenses or so...

2) instead of the Names["Figure*"] you will need to do some
Frontend-Programming to select all the "Graphics"-Cells in the current
(the Selected, Evaluation or Button-notebook, whatever way you want to
program this) and then Export these Cells. How to perform each of these
steps you can read in "the book" (Look for
SelectionMove[], NotebookFind[] and related Functions). You could also
scan all the "Input"-Cells (or the whole Notebook-Object) for
variable-names that begin with Figure and use that list in your existing

The second approach seems to be much more reasonable, but probably
you'll need to learn quite a bit about programming the

Hope that helps


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