RE: Labeled TreePlot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg31086] RE: [mg31037] Labeled TreePlot
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 01:55:37 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
The notebook expression at the bottom of the email shows how to label a TreePlot, or in the actual example an ExprPlot. > From: Mark S. Coleman [mailto:mcoleman at] To: mathgroup at > > Greetings, > > I am searching for a way to generate a "labeled Tree Plot", i.e., > placing a text label at each node of a tree. There does not appear a > way to do this using the TreePlot function. > > Thanks! > Notebook[{ Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["TreePlots", "Title"], Cell["\<\ David Park djmp at\ \>", "Subtitle"], Cell[BoxData[{ \(Needs["\<DiscreteMath`Tree`\>"]\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(Needs["\<Graphics`Colors`\>"]\)}], "Input"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell["Labeling an expression tree ", "Section"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(expr = f[g[x, y, z], g[x, y, h[x, y]], g[x, y]];\)\)], "Input"], Cell["\<\ Here we make the basic TreePlot with all the Line elements extracted.\ \ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(exprtree = ExprPlot[expr] // First\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({Line[{{\(-2\), 0}, {2, 0}}], Line[{{\(-2\), 0}, {\(-2\), 1}}], Line[{{0.`, 0}, {0.`, 1}}], Line[{{2.`, 0}, {2.`, 1}}], Line[{{\(-2.317460317460317`\), 1}, {\(-1.6825396825396826`\), 1}}], Line[{{\(-2.317460317460317`\), 1}, {\(-2.317460317460317`\), 2}}], Line[{{\(-2.`\), 1}, {\(-2.`\), 2}}], Line[{{\(-1.6825396825396826`\), 1}, {\(-1.6825396825396826`\), 2}}], Line[{{\(-0.31746031746031744`\), 1}, {0.31746031746031744`, 1}}], Line[{{\(-0.31746031746031744`\), 1}, {\(-0.31746031746031744`\), 2}}], Line[{{0.`, 1}, {0.`, 2}}], Line[{{0.31746031746031744`, 1}, {0.31746031746031744`, 2}}], Line[{{0.16628873771730915`, 2}, {0.46863189720332576`, 2}}], Line[{{0.16628873771730915`, 2}, {0.16628873771730915`, 3}}], Line[{{0.46863189720332576`, 2}, {0.46863189720332576`, 3}}], Line[{{1.6825396825396826`, 1}, {2.317460317460317`, 1}}], Line[{{1.6825396825396826`, 1}, {1.6825396825396826`, 2}}], Line[{{2.317460317460317`, 1}, {2.317460317460317`, 2}}]}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["\<\ The nodes are the horizontal lines, and the node point is the \ midpoint of the line. So this extracts the nodes.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(nodes = Cases[exprtree, Line[{{x1_, a_}, {x2_, a_}}] \[Rule] {\((x1 + x2)\)/2, a}]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{0, 0}, {\(-2.`\), 1}, {0.`, 1}, {0.31746031746031744`, 2}, {2.`, 1}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["This groups each node with an index number.", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(nodelabels = MapIndexed[List, nodes]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{{0, 0}, {1}}, {{\(-2.`\), 1}, {2}}, {{0.`, 1}, {3}}, {{0.31746031746031744`, 2}, {4}}, {{2.`, 1}, {5}}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell["This plots the tree with the node labels. ", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Show[ Graphics[\[IndentingNewLine]{exprtree, \ \[IndentingNewLine]\(Text[#2\[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket]\ , #1, Background \[Rule] LightPink] &\) @@@ nodelabels}], \[IndentingNewLine]AspectRatio \[Rule] Automatic, \[IndentingNewLine]Frame \[Rule] True, \[IndentingNewLine]ImageSize \[Rule] 500];\)\)], "Input"], Cell["This is a list of our desired node names.", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(nodenames = {f, g, g, h, g};\)\)], "Input"], Cell["This now labels with the node names.", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Show[ Graphics[\[IndentingNewLine]{exprtree, \ \[IndentingNewLine]\(Text[ nodenames\[LeftDoubleBracket]#2\[LeftDoubleBracket]\ 1\[RightDoubleBracket]\[RightDoubleBracket], #1, Background \[Rule] LightPink] &\) @@@ nodelabels}], \[IndentingNewLine]AspectRatio \[Rule] Automatic, \[IndentingNewLine]Frame \[Rule] True, \[IndentingNewLine]ImageSize \[Rule] 500];\)\)], "Input"], Cell["\<\ The leaves are the terminal points of vertical lines that aren't node \ points.\ \>", "Text"], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[{ \(\(leaves = Cases[exprtree, Line[{{a_, x1_}, {a_, x2_}}] \[Rule] {a, x2}];\)\), "\[IndentingNewLine]", \(leaves = Complement[leaves // N, nodes // N]\)}], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{\(-2.317460317460317`\), 2.`}, {\(-2.`\), 2.`}, {\(-1.6825396825396826`\), 2.`}, {\(-0.31746031746031744`\), 2.`}, {0.`, 2.`}, {0.16628873771730915`, 3.`}, {0.46863189720332576`, 3.`}, {1.6825396825396826`, 2.`}, {2.317460317460317`, 2.`}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ \(leaflabels = MapIndexed[List, leaves]\)], "Input"], Cell[BoxData[ \({{{\(-2.317460317460317`\), 2.`}, {1}}, {{\(-2.`\), 2.`}, {2}}, {{\(-1.6825396825396826`\), 2.`}, {3}}, {{\(-0.31746031746031744`\), 2.`}, {4}}, {{0.`, 2.`}, {5}}, {{0.16628873771730915`, 3.`}, {6}}, {{0.46863189720332576`, 3.`}, {7}}, {{1.6825396825396826`, 2.`}, {8}}, {{2.317460317460317`, 2.`}, {9}}}\)], "Output"] }, Open ]], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Show[ Graphics[\[IndentingNewLine]{exprtree, \ \[IndentingNewLine]\(Text[#2\[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket]\ , #1, Background \[Rule] LightPink] &\) @@@ nodelabels, \[IndentingNewLine]\(Text[#2\ \[LeftDoubleBracket]1\[RightDoubleBracket], #1, Background \[Rule] LightBlue] &\) @@@ leaflabels}], \[IndentingNewLine]AspectRatio \[Rule] Automatic, \[IndentingNewLine]Frame \[Rule] True, \[IndentingNewLine]ImageSize \[Rule] 500];\)\)], "Input"], Cell["Here is our list of leaf names.", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(leafnames = {x, y, z, x, y, x, y, x, y};\)\)], "Input"], Cell["And we get out final labeled tree.", "Text"], Cell[BoxData[ \(\(Show[ Graphics[\[IndentingNewLine]{exprtree, \ \[IndentingNewLine]\(Text[ nodenames\[LeftDoubleBracket]#2\[LeftDoubleBracket]\ 1\[RightDoubleBracket]\[RightDoubleBracket], #1, Background \[Rule] LightPink] &\) @@@ nodelabels, \[IndentingNewLine]\(Text[ leafnames\[LeftDoubleBracket]#2\[LeftDoubleBracket]\ 1\[RightDoubleBracket]\[RightDoubleBracket], #1, Background \[Rule] LightBlue] &\) @@@ leaflabels}], \[IndentingNewLine]AspectRatio \[Rule] Automatic, \[IndentingNewLine]Frame \[Rule] False, \[IndentingNewLine]Background \[Rule] Linen, \[IndentingNewLine]ImageSize \[Rule] 500];\)\)], "Input"] }, Open ]] }, Open ]] }, FrontEndVersion->"4.1 for Microsoft Windows", ScreenRectangle->{{0, 1280}, {0, 943}}, WindowSize->{622, 738}, WindowMargins->{{0, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}, ShowSelection->True ]