MathGroup Archive 2002

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Re: numbered equations

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35858] Re: numbered equations
  • From: "Kevin J. McCann" <kjm@KevinMcCann>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 06:00:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <aifm1i$q5v$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Yes, I do it all the time. Here is how it works:

1) Click on the bracket on the right for the equation. Then do
    either (Ctl-J) or pulldown Find -> Add/Remove Cell Tags
    give the equation a name, e.g. "Cauchy-Goursat Theorem"

2) Now, in the text type "(" or however you want to indicate the equation

3) Pulldown: Input -> Create Automatic Numbering Object ...

4) Select "Cauchy-Goursat Theorem" or whatever, make sure that the counter
type corresponds to the equation or plot or whatever the numbered object is.
I have a paragraph style called Numbered Equation. Click.

5) Type a closing ")" and there you are.

6) Now try adding another equation before the referenced one. You will see
that the text reference and the original equation numbers are automatically

All of this works fine until you have lots of references. This is especially
cumbersome for me since I give names to Numbered Equations, Sections,
Subsections, ... In a long document it can be irritating to try to find the
reference. In Windows the reference Tags are alphabetized, but not in
Linux - I think these are in order of creation. (This latter problem is why
I don't work with Mathematica under Linux.) Also irritating is the fact that you
need to choose the counter type, I would have thought this would be
automatically associated with the reference name, but there it is. And while
I have the soap box, it would be nice to see all or at least a lot of the
Tags rather than the little bitty scroll window which shows me about 5% of
the Tags in one of my documents.

Anyway, even though it is cumbersome for long documents, it is workable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike" <mikeh1980 at>
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg35858] numbered equations

> I've been using math type in word and wondering how far I can go
> similar in mathematica. I know that equations can be numbered and updated
> automatically with the numberedEquation cell style. I was wondering if it
> was possible to reference an equation number from another cell in a text
> cell and have it updated automatically if and when the equation number
> changes?
> eg:
> (numbered equation cell somewhere in the notebook)
> 1+1=2                      (6)
> (text cell somewhere else in the notebook)
> blah blah blah eq. (6) blah blah blah...
> thanks
> Mike

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