realtime plotting of points
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg35784] realtime plotting of points
- From: aatish at (aatish)
- Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 01:33:19 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Hi I was wondering whether there's a way to provide mathematica with x and y coordinates of a point from a c++ program (with mathlink or otherwise) and have it graph it out point by point, perhaps even erasing the previous image as it goes along. For example, if the correct points are supplied as output, can mathematica show me the movement of a planet in its orbit or SHM, etc. (whatever the code is meant to generate). Currently I output the points to a file in the ListPlot form, but then I just get the orbit drawn out instead of the particle moving along it. I've been searching for an answer on google groups, but I read somewhere that realtime plotting of points can't be done on mathematica. is this true? and if it can than how? Any help would be greatly appreciated regards aatish aatish at