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RE: Animation looping glitch (confirmed)

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg35786] RE: [mg35781] Animation looping glitch (confirmed)
  • From: "David Park" <djmp at>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 01:33:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On my Version 4.1 on Windows 98:
1) With the up/down keys I can cycle repeatedly in either direction with no
problem, without having to add any extra cells.
2) However, the control strip keys behave erratically for single stepping.
Or else, I don't know the proper way to use them for single stepping. Adding
a Text cell after the animation frames did not improve it.

David Park
djmp at

From: AES [mailto:siegman at]
To: mathgroup at

Re a longer post I submitted recently:

Execute the following as the only (or final) contents of a notebook

    Do[Plot[x^k, {x,0,1}, PlotRange->{{0,1}, {0,1}}], {k,1,4}]

Then Select All cells (cmd-A);  Animate (cmd-Y);  and hit the up or down
arrow keys a few times or click the vertical bars in the control strip
to pause the animation.

Single-stepping the animation backward using the up/down? arrow key will
now take you down to the k=1 plot, then loop back up to the k=4 plot.

Single-stepping the animation forward using the down/up? arrow key will
take you up to the k=4 plot, but will NOT loop back down to the k=1 plot
(although the free-running animation does seem to loop around OK).

Adding another cell (even a header or text cell) at the end of the
notebook, however, so that there is another cell after the k=4 plot,
will enable cyclic single-step looping in either direction around the

[Mac PB G3, OS 9.1, Mathematica 4.1]

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