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Re: General::aofil-closing files after manual abort

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg41018] Re: [mg40860] General::aofil-closing files after manual abort
  • From: Omega Consulting <info at>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 05:23:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

At 05:46 AM 4/22/2003, Tom Hardy wrote:
>Searched around and couldn't find an answer. I have some long calculations
>that write to files and also the display. If I see something is wrong do a
>manual abort. However, if I try to rerun the program Mathematica leaves the
>files open and get the subject error message. Played with catch on abort
>etc. The only way I can get back and run the program is by exiting 
>Mathematica and
>restarting. Is there a way to have the program close the files on an abort?

The standard way to handle this is with CheckAbort. If an abort occurs, the 
second argument is evaluated.

CheckAbort[Pause[10]; Close[stream], Close[stream]; Abort[]]

So even if you abort, the stream is closed.



It's a good idea to call Abort[] after you're done cleaning things up, 
because CheckAbort effectively nullifies the original abort. If I had 
something after the CheckAbort, or the CheckAbort was inside something 
else, then it could continue. Usually, you don't want that to happen. You 
want a complete abort. Calling Abort[] gives that effect.

Also, I hate having to repeat the cleanup code in both arguments, so I 
usually use the following function which works somewhat like the 
try-finally mechanism in Java.

Attributes[Try] = {HoldAll};

Try[expr_, finally_]:=
   CheckAbort[expr; finally, finally; Abort[]]

I find this much simpler to code.

stream = OpenRead["test"];
Try[Pause[10], Close[stream]]

Omega Consulting
"The final answer to your Mathematica needs"

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