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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg42880] NDSolve
  • From: "Steffen" <nnnx at>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 01:25:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: University of Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi all,
unfortunately Mathematica is not able to solve the following:


y1'[x] == -k1 y1[x] y2[x] + km1 y3[x],

y2'[x] == -k1 y1[x] y2[x] + km1 y3[x],

y3'[x] == k1 y1[x] y2[x] + km2 y4[x] M - (km1 + k2 M) y3[x],

y4'[x] == -km2 M y4[x] + k2 M y3[x],

y1[0] = 10^13,

y2[0] = 10^16,

y3[0] = 0,

y4[0] = 0,

} , {y1 , y2 , y3 , y4} , {x , 0 , 50 10^-6}]

This is a differential equation system for a kinetical system ( y1 + y2 <=>
y3 ,  y3 <=> y4). Only y1 and y2 exsists in the beginning. The constants k1,
km1, k2, km2 and M are numbers and are defined above.

Mathematica gives an error: " NDSolve::ndnef : The number of differential
equations (3) is not equal to the number of the initial conditions (1)."

But I did gave him all the initial conditions, did´nt I? By the way there
are 4 eq. and 4 conditions.

I am sorry for this probably easy prob. I looked in Mathematica Help, in
this forum and at Wolframs MathSource Webpage. I did not find anything for
helping me to solve this Prob. This means, that I am making a very stupid
mistake, but I do not know, which one. Can please anybody help me?

Thanks a lot

Steffen Nasterlack

University of Karlsruhe


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