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RE: log-log plot with error bars, different data markers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg44985] RE: [mg44966] log-log plot with error bars, different data markers
  • From: "Wolf, Hartmut" <Hartmut.Wolf at>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 04:41:22 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nathan Moore [mailto:nmoore at]
To: mathgroup at
>Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:28 AM
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: [mg44985] [mg44966] log-log plot with error bars, different data markers
>That standard way that Mathematica allows one to plot with different 
>data markers (open circles, triangles etc) is with the command 
>"MulltipleListPlot".    This is also the command that allows one to 
>plot with error bars.  Is there a way to have the scale of such a plot 
>to be log-log rather than linear style?  I don't see this as 
>an option. 

supposed, you have got your data points in a nice logarithmic sampling,...

flist = Table[With[{x = 2^t}, {x, x^5}], {t, 0, Log[2, 100.], Log[2,
100.]/20}] may hack, combining a MultipleListPlot of the logarithms of this

In[4]:= << Graphics`MultipleListPlot`

gx = MultipleListPlot[Log[10, flist], SymbolShape -> {PlotSymbol[Box]}, 
    SymbolStyle -> {Hue[0]}, PlotRange -> All, PlotJoined -> True]

...with an empty LogLogPlot

In[1]:= << Graphics`Graphics`

gblank = LogLogPlot[.1 &[x], {x, 1, 100}, PlotRange -> {All, {1, 10^10}}]

In[14]:= Show[gblank, gx]

There is however a more educated way to use the tick function from
Graphics`Grahics` directly with MultipleListPlot:

In[3]:= ?LogScale

Now get the (logarithmic) ranges 

In[6]:= Transpose[Log[10, flist[[{1, -1}]]]]
Out[6]= {{0, 2.}, {0, 10.}}

In[7]:= tt = LogScale @@@ %

...and plot the logarithms:

g = MultipleListPlot[Log[10, flist],
    Ticks -> LogScale @@@ Transpose[Log[10, flist[[{1, -1}]]]], 
    SymbolShape -> {PlotSymbol[Box, 3]}, SymbolStyle -> {Hue[2/3]}, 
    PlotStyle -> {Hue[2/3]}, PlotJoined -> True]


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