Re: better example on method of lines and system of ode's
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41252] Re: better example on method of lines and system of ode's
- From: Selwyn Hollis <selwynh at>
- Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 04:01:57 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Sean, The reason for the error you're getting is that you have a couple of L[i][t]'s lurking in your equations for LRout and Rout. Here's a neat way to see it: eqns /. t -> 0 /. Flatten[ToRules /@ initc] Jens-Peer's question is a good one. Do you intend for the "nondiffusing" components to be uniform through out the interval? That's a diffusion rate of Infinity. Or do you want their diffusion rate to be 0? If so, those equations must be discretized in space as well. ---Selwyn On Friday, May 9, 2003, at 03:28 AM, sean kim wrote: > Hello group, > > I think I have made a big mistake in using someone else's example. I > figured the group might be more familiar with it. But I don't fully > understand what the other users were posting about... How could I use > those as examples( though one seemed like typical coupled diffusion and > the other belousov-zhbotinsky reaction) > > Please disregard the previous examples. Here's a system that I have > been working on using the information I have learned from the group. As > I have said in the other post, I have a single second order derivative > in a system of otherwise ODE's. > > once the system is discretized using center difference method, it > should be solvable as a system of ode's; but for some reason, > mathematica isn't doing that. And I can't figure out what I'm doing > wrong here. I know the numerical soution exists for this system( It's > an old system that has been solved by other people) > > Could the group please look over my codes for this system, and make > some suggestions as to how to solve it using mathematica? I don't have > any problems with normal initial value problems. It's when I have > intial boundary value problems and discretizing, I struggle a lot. I > need to use this for my own simulated annealing algorithm which I have > implemented, so it's pretty important that I solve this system, unless > I have a solution to the system, i can't use it in my algorithm. > > (*here is the system before discretizing.*) > > {D[L[t], t] == koff LRout[t] - kon L[t] Rout[t] + df D[D[L[x,t],x],x], > D[LRout[t], t] == kon L[t] Rout[t] + kout LRin[t] - koff LRout[t] - kin > LRout[t], > D[ LRin[t], t] == kin LRout[t] - kout LRin[t] - kdeg LRin[t], > D [Rout[t], t] == krout Rin[t] - krin Rout[t] - kon L[t] Rout[t] + > koff LRout[t], > D[ Rin[t], t] == wmax + krin Rout[t] - krdeg Rin[t] - krout Rin[t]} > > np = {v -> 5.05* 10^-12, Ro -> 3.00* 10^-08, kon -> 1.40* 10^+06, > kin -> 6.00* 10^-04, koff -> 1.00* 10^-05, kout -> 6.70* 10^-05, > kdeg -> 3.30* 10^-05, krin -> 1.37* 10^-03, krout -> 5.90* 10^-04, > krdeg -> 1.00* 10^-04, wmax -> 6.95* 10^-12, df -> 1* 10^-7} > > > (*and here's my discretized system, I think the system should only have > ode's, which then can be treated as initial value problem, but it > appears mathematica can't solve it.*) > > xmin = 0; xmax = 100; > bins = 5; > dx = Abs[(xmax - xmin)/(bins)]; > > eqns = > Join[Table[D[L[i][t], t] == koff LRout[t] - kon L[i][t] Rout[t] + df > ((L[i + 1][t] - 2L[i][t] + L[i - 1][t])/(dx^2)), {i, 1, bins}] /. > {L[0][t] -> -(krdeg krin (v + (koff (kdeg + kout) v)/kdeg kin)/(kon > (krdeg + krout) v - kon krout wmax)) /. np, L[bins + 1][t] -> 0}, > {D[LRout[t], t] == kon L[i][t] Rout[t] + kout LRin[t] - koff LRout[t] > - kin LRout[t], > D[LRin[t], t] == kin LRout[t] - kout LRin[t] - kdeg LRin[t], > D[Rout[t], t] == krout Rin[t] - krin Rout[t] - kon L[i][t] Rout[t] + > koff LRout[t], > D[Rin[t], t] == wmax + krin Rout[t] - krdeg Rin[t] - krout Rin[t]}] /. > np > > (*here're the initial coniditons*) > > initc = Join[ Table[ L[i][0] == 0, {i, 1, bins}], > {LRout[0] == 0, > LRin[0] == 0 , > Rout[0] == (krout wmax)/(krdeg krin) /. np , > Rin[0] == wmax/(krdeg) /. np}] > > variables = > Join[Table[L[i][t], {i, 1, bins}], {LRout[t], LRin[t], Rout[t], > Rin[t]}] > > (*now here's the solution. *) > > discretesystem = Join[eqns, initc] > > dsoln = NDSolve[discretesystem, variables, {t, 0, 2000}] > > (* plotting down here. but the solution didn't work so no need for > this*) > > << Graphics`MultipleListPlot` > solnlists = Table[Flatten[Table[Evaluate[(L[j][t] /. dsoln)], {t, 0, > 20, 4}]], {j, 1, 5}] > > tsollist = Transpose[solnlists] > > MultipleListPlot[Transpose[solnlists], PlotRange -> All, > PlotJoined -> True] > > and of course, by the way I'm doing it... it gives me the following > error.( which I do not understand... What does this error mean? ) > > From In[1160]:= > NDSolve::"ndnum": "Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at > \ > \!\(t\) == \!\(1.5631463870599635`*^-294\)." > Out[1175]= > {{L[1][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > L[2][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > L[3][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > L[4][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > L[5][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > LRout[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > LRin[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > Rout[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], > Rin[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t]}} > > I would love to hear from anyone who can get this to work. I mean, any > help is truly appreciated. Thank you all very much in advance. ( once > again) > > PS. Thank you Dr. Hollis. your package seems like a fantastic tool for > people who work on coupled diffusion problems. unfortunately, I can't > use it since I don't have a coupled diffusion problem... i wish there > was another package like it for systems such as mine. Is there a way to > modify your package or some ways to apply it to my system as shown > above? > > And for Dr. Malek-Madani. Thank you for the great book by the way. I > took it out of the my school library--albeit it's a bit over my head. > I'm not a mathematician or an engineer. I'm a biology grad student > working on some modeling projects(and it appears that there are a few > of us biologists posting and askig questions in here...I know from the > questions they ask, they seem familiar.) > > The boundary condition is dirichlet. I'm specifying what the value of > the solution is. I have obtained this boundary condition after making > some assumptions such as steady states(setting the time derivatives to > 0) and solving the system algebraically for L[t] at the boundaries at > steady state. > > > > > ===== > when riding a dead horse, some dismount. > > while others... > > form a committee to examine the deadness of the horse, then form an > oversight committee to examine the validity of the finding of the > previous committee. > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. > >