better example on method of lines and system of ode's
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg41270] [mg41249] better example on method of lines and system of ode's
- From: sean kim <shawn_s_kim at>
- Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 03:50:03 -0400 (EDT)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
[This message was sent out previously with the wrong author due to a mailer error - moderator] Hello group, I think I have made a big mistake in using someone else's example. I figured the group might be more familiar with it. But I don't fully understand what the other users were posting about... How could I use those as examples( though one seemed like typical coupled diffusion and the other belousov-zhbotinsky reaction) Please disregard the previous examples. Here's a system that I have been working on using the information I have learned from the group. As I have said in the other post, I have a single second order derivative in a system of otherwise ODE's. once the system is discretized using center difference method, it should be solvable as a system of ode's; but for some reason, mathematica isn't doing that. And I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here. I know the numerical soution exists for this system( It's an old system that has been solved by other people) Could the group please look over my codes for this system, and make some suggestions as to how to solve it using mathematica? I don't have any problems with normal initial value problems. It's when I have intial boundary value problems and discretizing, I struggle a lot. I need to use this for my own simulated annealing algorithm which I have implemented, so it's pretty important that I solve this system, unless I have a solution to the system, i can't use it in my algorithm. (*here is the system before discretizing.*) {D[L[t], t] == koff LRout[t] - kon L[t] Rout[t] + df D[D[L[x,t],x],x], D[LRout[t], t] == kon L[t] Rout[t] + kout LRin[t] - koff LRout[t] - kin LRout[t], D[ LRin[t], t] == kin LRout[t] - kout LRin[t] - kdeg LRin[t], D [Rout[t], t] == krout Rin[t] - krin Rout[t] - kon L[t] Rout[t] + koff LRout[t], D[ Rin[t], t] == wmax + krin Rout[t] - krdeg Rin[t] - krout Rin[t]} np = {v -> 5.05* 10^-12, Ro -> 3.00* 10^-08, kon -> 1.40* 10^+06, kin -> 6.00* 10^-04, koff -> 1.00* 10^-05, kout -> 6.70* 10^-05, kdeg -> 3.30* 10^-05, krin -> 1.37* 10^-03, krout -> 5.90* 10^-04, krdeg -> 1.00* 10^-04, wmax -> 6.95* 10^-12, df -> 1* 10^-7} (*and here's my discretized system, I think the system should only have ode's, which then can be treated as initial value problem, but it appears mathematica can't solve it.*) xmin = 0; xmax = 100; bins = 5; dx = Abs[(xmax - xmin)/(bins)]; eqns = Join[Table[D[L[i][t], t] == koff LRout[t] - kon L[i][t] Rout[t] + df ((L[i + 1][t] - 2L[i][t] + L[i - 1][t])/(dx^2)), {i, 1, bins}] /. {L[0][t] -> -(krdeg krin (v + (koff (kdeg + kout) v)/kdeg kin)/(kon (krdeg + krout) v - kon krout wmax)) /. np, L[bins + 1][t] -> 0}, {D[LRout[t], t] == kon L[i][t] Rout[t] + kout LRin[t] - koff LRout[t] - kin LRout[t], D[LRin[t], t] == kin LRout[t] - kout LRin[t] - kdeg LRin[t], D[Rout[t], t] == krout Rin[t] - krin Rout[t] - kon L[i][t] Rout[t] + koff LRout[t], D[Rin[t], t] == wmax + krin Rout[t] - krdeg Rin[t] - krout Rin[t]}] /. np (*here're the initial coniditons*) initc = Join[ Table[ L[i][0] == 0, {i, 1, bins}], {LRout[0] == 0, LRin[0] == 0 , Rout[0] == (krout wmax)/(krdeg krin) /. np , Rin[0] == wmax/(krdeg) /. np}] variables = Join[Table[L[i][t], {i, 1, bins}], {LRout[t], LRin[t], Rout[t], Rin[t]}] (*now here's the solution. *) discretesystem = Join[eqns, initc] dsoln = NDSolve[discretesystem, variables, {t, 0, 2000}] (* plotting down here. but the solution didn't work so no need for this*) << Graphics`MultipleListPlot` solnlists = Table[Flatten[Table[Evaluate[(L[j][t] /. dsoln)], {t, 0, 20, 4}]], {j, 1, 5}] tsollist = Transpose[solnlists] MultipleListPlot[Transpose[solnlists], PlotRange -> All, PlotJoined -> True] and of course, by the way I'm doing it... it gives me the following error.( which I do not understand... What does this error mean? ) NDSolve::"ndnum": "Encountered non-numerical value for a derivative at \ \!\(t\) == \!\(1.5631463870599635`*^-294\)." Out[1175]= {{L[1][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], L[2][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], L[3][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], L[4][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], L[5][t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], LRout[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], LRin[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], Rout[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t], Rin[t] -> InterpolatingFunction[{{0., 0.}}, "<>"][t]}} I would love to hear from anyone who can get this to work. I mean, any help is truly appreciated. Thank you all very much in advance. ( once again) PS. Thank you Dr. Hollis. your package seems like a fantastic tool for people who work on coupled diffusion problems. unfortunately, I can't use it since I don't have a coupled diffusion problem... i wish there was another package like it for systems such as mine. Is there a way to modify your package or some ways to apply it to my system as shown above? And for Dr. Malek-Madani. Thank you for the great book by the way. I took it out of the my school library--albeit it's a bit over my head. I'm not a mathematician or an engineer. I'm a biology grad student working on some modeling projects(and it appears that there are a few of us biologists posting and askig questions in here...I know from the questions they ask, they seem familiar.) The boundary condition is dirichlet. I'm specifying what the value of the solution is. I have obtained this boundary condition after making some assumptions such as steady states(setting the time derivatives to 0) and solving the system algebraically for L[t] at the boundaries at steady state. ===== when riding a dead horse, some dismount. while others... form a committee to examine the deadness of the horse, then form an oversight committee to examine the validity of the finding of the previous committee. __________________________________