MathGroup Archive 2004

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DisplayTogether, multiple ListPlots, compound paths, and Illustrator/EPS problems

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg49549] DisplayTogether, multiple ListPlots, compound paths, and Illustrator/EPS problems
  • From: AES/newspost <siegman at>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 05:59:39 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

For various reasons, I like to generate plots with multiple curves and 
points using DisplayTogether rather than, for example, MultipleListPlot.

(DisplayTogether allows one to combine Plots, ParametricPlots, 
ListPlots, and so on, all into one graphic, while keeping the generation 
and editing of each plot separate; and it generally seems to work well.)

There's one minor glitch that's come up, however, which I'll report here 
just for the record.  

My practice is to Export the resulting plots as EPS files, then touch 
them up with Illustrator (9.0 on Mac OS 9.2).  

Recently in doing this I discovered that three curves in a certain 
graphic, originally generated by three separate ListPlots each with 
PlotJoined->True, seemed to be inextricably linked in the resulting 
Illustrator graphic.  I wanted them to be different colors and weights, 
but even though I could select the individual lines separately in 
Illustrator, any changes made to one of them seemed to be unavoidably 
applied to all of them, and nothing I could do seemed to unlink them, or 
UnGroup them in Illustrator jargon.

The cure (obtained from another NG) was a somewhat obscure and not at 
all well-documented Illustrator command, namely select all three lines 
(they're actually Compound Paths in Illustrator jargon) and activate the 
menu command

    Object->Paths->Compound path->Release 

After that they were fully separated and separately editable.

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