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RE: math kernel keeps trying to access an ip

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg48429] RE: [mg48417] math kernel keeps trying to access an ip
  • From: "E. Martin-Serrano" <eMartinSerrano at>
  • Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 03:06:51 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Yes, I did. And I simply prevent Mathemathica from accessing the Internet,
by assigning it the option "block" in the Zone Alarm "Programs" label. I
posted the problem at the Mathgroup, and John Fultz, from Wolfram, sent me
instructions to avoid the problem. However I never used John's solution,
since Zone Alarm works OK. I deleted the John's email but you can find it at
the Mathgroup archive.

E. Martin-Serrano 

-----Original Message-----
From: sean kim [mailto:sean_incali at] 
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg48429] [mg48417] math kernel keeps trying to access an ip

I was wondering...

kernel keeps trying to connect to an off site location with IP

my zonealarm blocked it 63 times at one point!

what is the deal with this? is this something Mathematica needs to do? am i
supposed to allow this access?

i don't know if anyone else have noticed that.... 


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