MathGroup Archive 2004

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MultipleListPlot without any Point Shape, only with line made by PlotJoined -> True

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg51485] MultipleListPlot without any Point Shape, only with line made by PlotJoined -> True
  • From: foice <NONfoiceSPAMMARE at>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 02:56:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi people, I'll need some help in oder to have a decent plot.

Using  PlotJoined -> True into the MultipleListPlot you can have a line
between the points of your list. And it's a very nice feature to use, but
when you have something like 1000 point in Plot, and specially if they
are very close to each other, you risk to not see the line joining the
points beacuse of the Symbols used to draw the points in the list. How
can I turn off the point marker drawing?  This naturally happen using
ListPlot. In ListPlot when you activate the PointJoined option the point's
shape automatically turn off and you have only a line.  I'd like to have
the same result with MultipleListPlot because I'm goind to use different
colors for different data sets.

Anyone can help me?
thank you.

tutto ci=F2 che ho scritto =E8 sempre In My Humble Opinion (IMHO)
probabilmente l'ho scritto di fretta, quindi scusate se sono stato sbrigati=

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