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Re: GUIKit

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50789] Re: [mg50714] GUIKit
  • From: Jeff Adams <jeffa at>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 03:49:06 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Sep 18, 2004, at 4:48 AM, Bill Collins wrote:

> I have been playing with the new GUIKit.  I have attempted to modify 
> one
> of the examples (RealTimePlotting) by inserting a second slider with an
> additional parameter conrolling the equation.  After trying several
> combinations I cannot get it to work.  Do I use two Script commands and
> separate sliderFunc definitions for  each parameter? Any hint would be
> helpful.
> Bill Collins
> wccollins at

Hi Bill,

Here is a simple extended version of that example with three sliders
controlling three different parameters. This is just one way
you could design something that should scale for an arbitrary number of 
or other control widgets.

Jeff Adams
Wolfram Research


  Widget["Panel", {
    {Widget["Label", {"text" -> "a:"}],
     Widget["Slider", {BindEvent["change", Script[updatePlot[]; ]]}, 
Name -> "aSlider",
       WidgetLayout -> {"Stretching" -> {Maximize, False}}]},
    {Widget["Label", {"text" -> "b:"}],
     Widget["Slider", {"value" -> 3, "minimum" -> 1, "maximum" -> 15, 
         Script[updatePlot[]; ]]}, Name -> "bSlider", WidgetLayout -> 
{"Stretching" -> {Maximize, False}}]},
    {Widget["Label", {"text" -> "c:"}],
     Widget["Slider", {"value" -> 10, "minimum" -> 1, "maximum" -> 15,
        BindEvent["change", Script[updatePlot[]; ]]}, Name -> "cSlider",
       WidgetLayout -> {"Stretching" -> {Maximize, False}}]},
      { "preferredSize" -> Widget["Dimension", {"width" -> 288, "height" 
-> 288}]}, Name -> "canvas",
      WidgetLayout -> {"Stretching" -> {True, Maximize}}], 
      {"text" -> "Plot[Sin[b/10 x]^a,{x, 0, c Pi}]", "rows" -> 3}, Name 
-> "plotStringText"],

    "preferredSize" -> Widget["Dimension", {"width" -> 288, "height" -> 
    BindEvent["componentResized", Script[updatePlot[]; ]],
    BindEvent["endModal", Script[expr]],

     updatePlot[] := Block[{a, b, c, $DisplayFunction = Identity},
         a = Round[ToExpression[PropertyValue[{"aSlider", "value"}]]/10];
         b = ToExpression[PropertyValue[{"bSlider", "value"}]];
         c = ToExpression[PropertyValue[{"cSlider", "value"}]];
         expr = ToExpression[PropertyValue[{"plotStringText", "text"}]]; 
expr = Show[expr, PlotRange -> All];
         SetPropertyValue[{"canvas", "mathCommand"}, ToString[expr, 
InputForm]]]; updatePlot[];

  • References:
    • GUIKit
      • From: "Bill Collins" <>
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