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Re: Sending again: Symbolizing subscripts

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg62792] Re: Sending again: Symbolizing subscripts
  • From: "Jens-Peer Kuska" <kuska at>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 13:40:55 -0500 (EST)
  • Organization: Uni Leipzig
  • References: <dn0uda$8ak$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


in batch mode you will see nothing, especial you 
will never see the
special formatis for subscripts .. it is nonsens 
to set up a special
notation for things that you can't see -- work 
with x1,x2 or x$1,x$2


"Andrew Moylan" <andrew.moylan at> schrieb 
im Newsbeitrag news:dn0uda$8ak$1 at
| Sorry if I am sending this twice, but the first 
one doesn't seem to have
| worked:
| It looks like there aren't any ideas for solving 
my original problem
| (included below), so I'll widen my search a bit.
| I want any expression of the form Subscript[a, 
b] to be interpreted as a
| symbol. I can achieve this easily using the 
Notation package, by the
| following:
| I also want to run my code in batch mode 
(without a front end). However,
| [it appears that] the Notation package cannot be 
used in batch mode.
| Given that I can't easily make the Notation 
package work in batch mode,
| I now ask: does anyone know another way (not 
using the Notation package)
| to make all subscripts behave as symbols?
| Thanks again for any ideas.
|     -Andrew
| Andrew Moylan wrote:
| > I have some code that includes (and relies 
upon) a call to
| > Utilities`Notation`Symbolize[...]. I would 
like to run the code in batch
| > mode (without a front end), but the Notation 
package generates many error
| > messages when being loaded without a front 
end, and subsequent calls to
| > Symbolize[...] result in the Mathematica 
kernel hanging.
| >
| > Does anyone know of any way to use the 
notation package in batch mode, or
| > does anyone have any ideas for other ways to 
run my code automatically from
| > the (linux) shell?
| >
| > Thanks for any help.
| >     -Andrew
| >
| >
| >
| >

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