Re: Extracting just the value of the variable from the result of Solve/NDSolve
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg62822] Re: [mg62803] Extracting just the value of the variable from the result of Solve/NDSolve
- From: "David Park" <djmp at>
- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 00:03:22 -0500 (EST)
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Pradeep, Try First. eqn = {F == 2*T}; T = 300; sol = First@Solve[eqn, F]; F /. sol 600 David Park djmp at From: Pradeep Suresh [mailto:pradeep at] To: mathgroup at Hi all, i am facing a peculiar problem with the curly brackets of the output of Solve and NDsolve commands....the result of Solve/NSolve/DSolve/NDSolve all are in the form of {{y->a}} format and at best by doing a y/.soln, i can get it to {a}, but for my purposes of passing this result to JAVA(using J/Link), i need the value of the variable as just 'a' and not '{a}'(i hope i am making myself clear). E.g. eqn={F==2*T}; T = 300; sol = Solve[eqn, F] F /. sol gives me {600}, as i said earlier i need the answer 600(which is different in datatype compared to {600} even though for all practical purposes {600} is the same as 600). When i use J/link to extract value, the {600} is not considered an integer/string/double/function, i cannnot use getInteger,getString etc. Can someone plz suggest a solution this problem, however triveal as it may sound, it is an important problem in using J/Link to talk with Mathematica. Thank you very much in advance!! Regards, Pradeep