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Automatic & linked axis scaling

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg64940] Automatic & linked axis scaling
  • From: ggroup at
  • Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 01:00:11 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


I'm trying to find an automated way to scale the axes of graphics such that 
that one unit takes up the same distance on all axes.  I'm modelling physical 
objects, and often want to see various phenomenon superimposed onto that 
object.  It would be nice if I could avoid having the view distorted by 
independent axis scaling.

On a 2D graphic, I can do this manually by specifying the AspectRatio.  I just 
need to set it using the ratio of the length of the y-range to the length of 
the x-range.  Of course, along with that, I need to explicitly specify 
corresponding values for the PlotRange.  

This becomes a bit of a pain when developing a model and/or coding.  Usually 
the object range is well defined, but one of the other graphic objects will 
have bounds that are ill-defined (say I want to add arrows indicating 
calculated surface normals).

Does anyone have a good generic solution?


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