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webMathematica, Packages, and

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg69628] webMathematica, Packages, and
  • From: "Fred Klingener" <gigabitbucket at>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2006 22:46:15 -0400 (EDT)

Anyone here with experience with hostSRV?


I'm trying to migrate a Mathematica application to webMathematica,
ultimately to run on my account at


I have a set of files, *.m packages and *.jsp Java Server Pages, installed
and running happily on my Tomcat localhost. The *.m files are currently at
../WEB-INF/Applications/ per installation instructions, but they'll work
installed in a lot of different places.


When the files are FTP'd to hostSRV, I can't get webMathematica to find
the *.m files.  Needs["newPackage`"] (or any permutation of the context path I can think of)
returns $Failed. While I can get it to return things like $Path and
$ContextPath, and while the responses make sense, they have limited use
because of the way the hostSRV FTP server flattens out the directory
structure it exposes to the developer. I suppose it works the way it does to
enforce security and webMathematica expectations, but it makes it extremely
difficult to analyze problems when they arise.

I'm out of things to try. Any suggestions?

I mean besides "Give up. You're obviously not smart enough to try this."

Fred Klingener

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