Off[General::spell1] and StyleSheet Notepad
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg69769] Off[General::spell1] and StyleSheet Notepad
- From: dimmechan at
- Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 01:04:54 -0400 (EDT)
In a notebook I have selected the StyleSheet Notepad. I have a Section called Initialization Cells. There I defined some user defined functions which I use often into the notebook and I add some rules for Built-in functions like Unprotect[NSum]; NSum[p_, q_, r___] := Abort[] /; (Print["integral:"*HoldForm[InputForm[p]]]; Print["NSum limits:", q]; Print["NSum options:"*{r}]) Protect[NSum]; I also add the command Off[General::spell1] to switch off warning messageswhich generated when the name of a new symbol is similar to the name of an existing symbol. I select the Cells and from the Cell menu I convert them to Initialization Cells. However I execute the following single commands and I still get the warning message. list = {1, 2, 3} General::spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name "list" is similar to existing symbol "List". {1, 2, 3} plot = Print["?"] General::spell1 : Possible spelling error: new symbol name "plot" is similar to existing symbol "Plot". "?" All the other commands/rules works perfectly without any trouble everytime I called them. Just with Off[General::spell1] I face problem. I mention again that I work in Notepad stylesheet. Thanks for any help. Dimitris