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Re: Is there a way to rewrite Roots[#n] result in easier to read form?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg80339] Re: [mg80315] Is there a way to rewrite Roots[#n] result in easier to read form?
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 05:32:13 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <>

On 17 Aug 2007, at 07:52, Nasser Abbasi wrote:

> Hello;
> This is Mathematica 6.01
> Is there a way to make the output of the following DSolve more  
> readable? It
> contains lots of Root[] with #n in it.
> Remove["Global`*"]
> ode11 = Derivative[1][y][x] -
>      1/Sqrt[Subscript[a, 4]*x^4 + Subscript[a, 3]*x^3 +
>         Subscript[a, 2]*x^2 + Subscript[a, 1]*x + Subscript[a, 0]] ==
>     0;
> DSolve[ode11, y[x], x]
> here is a pic of the output:
> I understand what #'s are for, but was wondering if the output can be
> written using more 'traditional' form so it will easier to read?  
> i.e having
> the polynomial whose Roots are being called for, to be explicitly  
> written
> out or something along those lines?...I tried Simplify[].
> thanks,
> Nasser

The sensible answer is "no". Root object are the most compact and in  
most respect useful way to express roots of algebraic equations,  
which inevitably must appear in any solution of this differential  
equation. If you would like something more "traditional" you can appy  
ToRadicals to the answer, but not only will it be much more  
complicated but also may not always be correct for all values of the  

Andrzej Kozlowski

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