Re: Manipulate a VectorFieldPlot3D
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg80501] Re: Manipulate a VectorFieldPlot3D
- From: Albert <awnl at>
- Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 06:24:09 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <faj4u1$8rp$>
Hi, > I would like to 3D plot two time dependent fields E and B. > I have two questions about the current state of my notebook: > > Why the options Axes and AxesLabel produce an error, while producing > the expected behaviour (adding the axes label!) > > How can I have a Manipulate object that would allow me to scan over time? The following code works for me. Since the generation of the plots is somewhat lengthy I used the option ContinousAction->False for Manipulate. As has already been explained in this group thath it seems to be the best approach to define functions of the variables you want to Manipulate. This way there is no need for explicit usage of Dynamic anywhere... Clear["Global`*"] <<PhysicalConstants` Needs["VectorFieldPlots`"] c=299792458;(*SpeedOfLight*) \[Mu]=\[Pi]/2500000;(*VacuumPermeability*) \[Epsilon]=8.854187817`*^-12;(*VacuumPermittivity*) \[Omega]=1;(*Angular speed*) p=1;(*Unit dipole moment*) k=\[Omega]/c;(*Norm of the wave vector*) r=Norm[{x,y,z}];(*Norm of the position vector*) a=10; Ex[t_]=(y^2+z^2) Cos[\[Omega] t-k r]-x y Sin[\[Omega] t-k r]; Ey[t_]=(x^2+z^2) Sin[\[Omega] t-k r]-x y Cos[\[Omega] t-k r]; Ez[t_]=z (x Cos[\[Omega] t-k r]+y Sin[\[Omega] t-k r]); Bx[t_]=-z Sin[\[Omega] t-k r]; By[t_]=z Cos[\[Omega] t-k r]; Bz[t_]=x Sin[\[Omega] t-k r]-y Cos[\[Omega] t-k r]; Manipulate[ Column[{ Row[{"time = ",t}], Row[{ Show[ VectorFieldPlot3D[(\[Omega]^2 p/4 \[Pi] \[Epsilon] c^2 r^3) {Ex[t],Ey[t],Ez[t]},{x,-a,a},{y,-a,a},{z,-a,a},VectorHeads->True], Axes->True,AxesLabel->{x,y,z},PlotLabel->"E",ImageSize->300 ], Show[ VectorFieldPlot3D[(\[Mu] \[Omega]^2 p/4 \[Pi] c r^2) {Bx[t],By[t],Bz[t]},{x,-a,a},{y,-a,a},{z,-a,a},VectorHeads->True], Axes->True,AxesLabel->{x,y,z},PlotLabel->"B",ImageSize->300 ] }] }], {t,0,100}, ContinuousAction->False ] For this case I probably would prefer to visualize the time dependency with something like: With[{c1 = (\[Omega]^2 p/4 \[Pi] \[Epsilon] c^2 r^3), c2 = (\[Mu] \[Omega]^2 p/4 \[Pi] c r^2)}, graphlist = Table[ PrintTemporary[t]; Column[{ Row[{"time = ", t}], Row[{ Show[ VectorFieldPlot3D[ c1 {Ex[t], Ey[t], Ez[t]}, {x, -a, a}, {y, -a, a}, {z, -a, a}, VectorHeads -> True], Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}, PlotLabel -> "E", ImageSize -> 300, PlotRange -> {{-a, a}, {-a, a}, {-a, a}} ], Show[ VectorFieldPlot3D[ c2 {Bx[t], By[t], Bz[t]}, {x, -a, a}, {y, -a, a}, {z, -a, a}, VectorHeads -> True], Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}, PlotLabel -> "B", ImageSize -> 300, PlotRange -> {{-a, a}, {-a, a}, {-a, a}} ] }] }], {t, 0, 100, 10} ] ]; ListAnimate[graphlist] hth, albert