what could cause a function "call" to not print during TracePrint?
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg72558] what could cause a function "call" to not print during TracePrint?
- From: "Chris Chiasson" <chris at chiasson.name>
- Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 07:09:19 -0500 (EST)
I have a function, XML`DocBook`Private`toStringKernel, that is being called (because I can see it on the stack when I use Wolfram Workbench to break at a message that is being thrown from inside XML`DocBook`Private`toStringKernel), but which is not printed when I use TracePrint[ some command hat eventually calls XML`DocBook`Private`toStringKernel, _XML`DocBook`Private`toStringKernel ] Furthermore, the debugger seems unable to stop at the breakpoint I have set at the definition of toStringKernel inside DocBook.m So, what could cause a function to be invisible to TracePrint and/or the WW debugger? BTW, I already tried TracePrint with TraceInternal->True and had no luck. Simple TracePrints work well: In[1]:= System`Dump`$MessagesInHelpBrowserAreKnown=False; aaaa[_]:=(Message[aaaa::"argb",aaaa,1,2,4];Abort[]) TracePrint[1;2;3;XML`MathML`ExpressionToMathML[1];aaaa[4],_aaaa]