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Re: broken documentation pages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78693] Re: broken documentation pages
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2007 05:59:03 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f6ks1b$lah$>

It is an undocumented Cell options that is a "unique" identifier for
the cell.   The associated Notebook Option, CreateCellID, tells a
notebook whether to assign this the CellID option to cells as they are
created in a notebook . Currently CreateCellID appears in the Global
context if you call it, but that is a bug that I have reported this

It turns out hat you can find cells via their CellIDs using
NotebookFInd.    But, buyer beware!  None of this is documented, and
therefore it may vanish in a puff of design review decisions, as is
true for all undocumented Mathematica "features."

It is however, a very useful feature.  I created something similar in
A WorkLIfe FrameWork where cells are tagged with a variety of unique
identifiers as cell tags. This allows me to do many manipulations on
notebooks and to grab, extract, and display  information for the user
in a variety of ways. The existence of the CellID unique identifier
option opens up many interesting possibilities that I plan to use in A
WorkLIfe FrameWork in the future.  But, of course that depends on
whether CellID is a persistent feature....

--David Reiss

A WorkLife FrameWork
E x t e n d i n g MATHEMATICA's=AE Reach...=99
Mathematica-6 compatible

On Jul 6, 3:46 am, "Chris Chiasson" <c... at> wrote:
> They just happen to be the only pages that I found when I was looking
> for a description of CellID. Unfortunately, CellID is only present in
> the spilled-out guts of the broken cells on these pages (meaning
> they've been broken long enough to enter Google's index). So, does
> anyone know what CellID is?
> --

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