Re: Opening a foreign file from Mathematica
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg78857] Re: Opening a foreign file from Mathematica
- From: Peltio <peltio at>
- Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:13:01 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f6vnng$qj7$>
- Reply-to: peltioNOSP at
As is often the case, nobody knew why. All we know so far is Where: comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica When: 10-07-07, 12.40.48 Who: Steve Luttrell What: see below > I have always been frustrated that the full path to the file was needed in > this approach, because this locked down the notebook/file pair to a single > place in the filesystem, and this approach broke even if you subsequently > changed only the name of (i.e. letter assigned to) your hard drive. Many of > my past links have been broken in this way. This is not ideal. > > I have tried the obvious approach to using relative paths: > > SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]] > > Cell[BoxData[ > ButtonBox["test", > ButtonData:>{ > URL[ ".\\temp\\foo.doc"], None}, > ButtonStyle->"Hyperlink"]], "Input"] > > which I hoped would work from a notebook stored at the top level of C: (in > this example), but unfortunately it doesn't work. > > So, the question is how to generalise this so that you can use paths > relative to the notebook. I have not access to Mathematica right now, so I cannot give you a clean and isolated code snippet. But I once wrote a package that allowed me to import pictures stored in a directory 'nearby' the actual notebook. That is, the pictures could be stored in the same folder as the notebook, in a folder named "Pics" in the same directory of the notebook or in subfolder whose path was relative to that of the notebook. It was nice, because in this way the notebooks behaved like an html files saved with a web browser (a filename.htm file with all the pictures in folder filename_files). Embedded in this short package, I guess there is what you need. I paste the whole package, to be sure. It worked under 4.x, and someone used it on 5.x (not complaing with me after that :-) ). Have no idea if it works on v6. ================= (* *) (* NBImport.m (Import TOOLS) v1.2 English *) (* for Mathematica 4.x (and 5.x) *) (* *) (****************************************************************) (* -:Package: NBImport (Notebook Importing tools) - a simple package that allows the user to import - files and pictures contained in a folder inside - the notebook's directory. Options specify the name - of the folder and the import and show procedures. - - -:Author: Peltio -:Date: March 2003 -:Version: 1.2 for Mathematica 4.x (and 5.x) -:Disclaimer: This package may be freely used for non-commercial - purposes. Please retain the comments above. - This package is free and must remain free. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:Version History: - - version 1.0 -Mar 2003 - Main dump - version 1.0.1 - Added a loader for the PNG import facility by JensPeer Kuska - version 1.0.2 - Changed DirName in RelativePath - version 1.1 - Added Fig - Has an option that specifies the priority - in filetype - version 1.1.1 - Fig is no longer a protected symbol - this is so that the user can define his own figures. - version 1.2 - Corrected code for fig, added (almost redundant) - SubDirName option - - -:Notes for future development: - - check if the specified directory exists before - launching ResetDirectory[] - A syntactic check can find if the extension has been - specified. If not, add the one that is in the default - option. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- -:Limitations: - - It is not compatible with versions 2.x 3.x - No effort has been made to make this package robust. - No error message was implemented. - ------------------------------------------------------------------- - *) (* The following line loads Jens Peer Kuska's PNGImport routine If you followed Jens instruction you should have placed his package in the Autoload folder and this line is not really needed. If you leave it there, and you don't have his package in a folder named MathPNG in a path directly accessible by Mathematica you will get an error, though. Jens package can be downloaded from his website, along with his excellent rendering package MathGL3D. Do check it out. If you don't want to install PNGImportExport, then just comment out the line below. *) If[MemberQ[$ImportFormats, "PNG"]==False, Get["MathPNG`PNGImportExport`"] ] BeginPackage["InOut`NBImport`", "Utilities`FilterOptions`"] NBPicture::usage= "NBPicture[\"filename.ext\"] imports and shows the picture with filename \ 'filename' and file extension 'ext' contained in the subdirectory 'Pics' of \ the directory of the current notebook.\n NBPicture[\"filename.ext\",DirName\ ->\"dir\"] allows to specify the name of the subfolder into which the file is \ stored. It allows for options to be used in Show and in Import."; Fig::usage= "Fig[\"filename\"] imports and shows the first picture found in the \ local \"Pics\" folder that has an extension listed in the FilePriority \ option.\n Fig[\"filename\",DirName->\"dir\"] allows to specify the name of the \ folder into which the file is stored (default is \"Pics\"). The option \ SubDirName specifies the subfolder into which the pictures are to be \ found (default is \"\")\n Fig[\"filename\",FilePriority->{\"ext1\",\"ext2\",...}] specifies a \ list of file extensions to be associated with \"filename\". The options \ Canvas and CanvasSize can be used to display a blank region when no \ picture with the given filename and the extensions contained in \ FilePriority is found."; NBFile::usage= "NBFile[\"filename.ext\"] imports (and shows) the file with filename \ 'filename' and file extension 'ext' contained in the subdirectory 'Data' of \ the directory of the current notebook.\n \ NBFile[\"filename.ext\",DirName->\"dir\"] allows to specify the name of the \ subfolder into which the file is stored. It allows for options to be used in Import."; NBDirectory::usage= "NBDirectory[] return the directory of the notebook being evaluated." LocalGet::usage= "LocalNeeds[\"packagename`\"] loads a package that resides in the \ same directory as the notebook. Working directory is changed to the \ notebook's directory." RelativePath::usage= "RelativePath specifies the path, relative to the evaluated notebook, where to find a file or picture. It can be a string or a list of string." Canvas::usage= "Canvas is an option for Fig that specifies whether or not to \ display a blank space when no picture is found." CanvasSize::usage= "CanvasSize is an option for Fig that specifies the dimensions of the canvas to be shown when no picture is found." FilePriority::usage= "FilePriority is an option for Fig that specifies a list of file \ extensions to be associated with \"filename\"." DirName::usage= "DirName is an option for Fig that specifies the directory \ inside the notebook's folder into which looking for the pictures." SubDirName::usage= "SubDirName is an option for Fig that specifies the subdirectory \ inside the specified picture folder into which looking for the \ pictures." Begin["`Private`"] NBDirectory[]:= DirectoryName[ ToFileName["FileName"/.NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]] ] ] Options[NBPicture]={RelativePath->"Pics"}; NBPicture[filename_String,opts___]:= Module[ {basedir,picdir,importopt,showopt}, showopt=FilterOptions[Show,opts]; importopt=FilterOptions[Import,opts]; basedir= DirectoryName[ ToFileName["FileName"/.NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]]]]; picdir=RelativePath /. {opts}/.Options[NBPicture]; SetDirectory[ToFileName[Flatten[{basedir,picdir}]]]; Show[Import[filename,importopt],showopt]; ResetDirectory[]; ] Options[Fig]={ DirName->"Pics", SubDirName->"", Canvas->True, CanvasSize->{300,200}, FilePriority->{"jpg","jpeg","png","bmp","gif","tiff","tif"} }; Fig[filename_String, opts___]:= Module[ {basedir,picdir,subpicdir,showopt,importopt,filechoice,canv,canvSize}, showopt=FilterOptions[Show,opts]; importopt=FilterOptions[Import,opts]; basedir= DirectoryName[ ToFileName["FileName" /. NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]]]]; picdir=DirName /. {opts} /. Options[Fig]; subpicdir=SubDirName /. {opts} /. Options[Fig]; SetDirectory[ToFileName[Flatten[{basedir,picdir,subpicdir}]]]; fileformats=FilePriority/.{opts}/.Options[Fig]; filechoice=FileNames[StringJoin[filename,".",#]& /@fileformats]; Switch[Length[filechoice], 0, (* No file found: print canvas if required *) canv=Canvas/.{opts}/.Options[Fig]; canvSize=CanvasSize/.{opts}/.Options[Fig]; If[canv, Show[Graphics[{},ImageSize->canvSize]];, Print["File not found."] ], 1, (* Unique file with that filename: import that file *) Show[Import[filechoice[[1]],importopt],showopt];, True, (* Multiple files with different extensions: import the file whose extension appears first in the FilePriority option *) Print["Multiple files found. Importing according to \ extension priority"]; Show[Import[First[filechoice], importopt],showopt]; ]; ResetDirectory[]; ] Options[NBFile]={RelativePath->"Data"}; NBFile[filename_String,opts___]:= Module[ {basedir,datadir,temp,importopt}, importopt=FilterOptions[Import,opts]; basedir= DirectoryName[ ToFileName["FileName"/.NotebookInformation[EvaluationNotebook[]]]]; datadir=RelativePath /. {opts} /.Options[NBFile]; SetDirectory[ToFileName[Flatten[{basedir,datadir}]]]; temp=Import[filename,importopt]; ResetDirectory[]; temp ] LocalGet[packagename_String]:=( SetDirectory[NBDirectory[]]; Get[packagename] ) End[] Protect[NBPicture, NBFile, NBDirectory, (*Fig,*) LocalGet] EndPackage[] =========================== hope this helps, Peltio -- Invalid address in reply-to. Crafty demunging required to mail me. (Hint: use peltio at despammed dot com).