MathGroup Archive 2007

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why is Export to .SWF (Macromedia Flash file format) of a manipulate object so SLOOOOW ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78910] why is Export to .SWF (Macromedia Flash file format) of a manipulate object so SLOOOOW ?
  • From: Nasser Abbasi <nma at>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:25:48 -0400 (EDT)


Mathematica 6.0, Windows XP, 750 MB RAM, 2.4 Mhz P4 machine. Running
Mathematica only, it takes about 20 minutes to export a manipulate
object to Macromedia Flash file format (.swf).

I do:


and now I wait and wait and wait...

anything one can do to speed this up?  I have not tried other formats.
It might not be related to .swf format, but the export of manipulate
itself is slow?


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