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Re: buliding on functions

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79176] Re: buliding on functions
  • From: "JGBoone at" <JGBoone at>
  • Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 03:28:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f7f2pb$o7k$><f7hs43$s7c$>

this is the set of functions i want to work.

ogspecies = 10;
(*set up sizes for communitysize and metacommunity*)

Q = R = S = Range[ogspecies];
(*makes a vector called communityA with sequencal elements 1 to

combine = {Q, R, S};
(*puts communitys into three groupings not broken down*)

metacommunity = FlattenAt[combine, {{1}, {2}, {3}}];
(*puts all communities into one large metacommunity*)

speciation = 1 + Last[Sort[metacommunity]];

unlikeliness = 6;(*sets up chance of speciation.bigger number means
less \

metalikeliness = 30;(*sets up chance of immigration.bigger number
      less likely*)

generations = 10;
(*time steps that the funtion runs which is given as size squared;
this \
excepted time to monodomince*)

hubl[group_] := group[[Random[Integer, {1, orspecies}]]];
(*takes a random element of group*)

SpeciesCount[group_] := Length[Split[Sort[group]]];

metareplace[group_] := Module[{grp = group}, (grp[[Random[Integer, {1,
ogspecies}]]] = hubl[metacommunity])];
(*takes random element of community size and replaces it with random
element \
of metacommunity by way of the function hubl[group_]*)

communityreplace[group_] := Module[{grp = group},
(grp[[Random[Integer, {1, \
ogspecies}]]] = hubl[grp])];
(*takes a random
    element of communitysize and replaces it with
      another random element of community size by
                way of the function hubl[group_]*)

metachance[group_] := Random[Integer, {1, metalikeliness}] == 1;
(*creates a \
function that tests if a random integer from 1 to metalikeliness is
equal to \
1. this makes the chance of speciation equal to 1/metalikeliness*)

immigration[group_] := If[metachance[group], metareplace[group], \

chance := Random[Integer, {1, unlikeliness}] == 1;
(*creates a function that tests if a random integer from 1 to
    is equal to 1. this makes the chance of speciation equal to \

changing[group_] : = If[chance, speciation[group],

randomwalks[group_] := Table[changing[group]; {t,
SpeciesCount[group]}, {t, \
1, generations}];
(*creates a table of the function SpeciesCount from time step 1 till
step 100*)


But it is not running the functions on Q,R, and S congruently. I know
theres other issues with this as well.

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