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Re: Notebook$$ - Inscrutable error messages

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79603] Re: Notebook$$ - Inscrutable error messages
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 06:03:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f8kfdd$18i$>

These are possibley vestiges of parameters that are local to some
Module or other localization construct,

(M 6) In[1]:= Module[{x},

(M 6) Out[1]= x$23261

This, of course will yield a differenet result each time it's

If you execute


You will see all of the things of the form involving two $s that are
currently floating around in the various contexts in your Mathematica


On Jul 30, 6:43 am, Fred Klingener <jfklinge... at> wrote:
> I'm developing a Demonstration, based on Manipulate[] in Mathematica
> 6.
> A lot of it works as advertised, but I'm plagued by some apparently
> rogue executions that replace data with things like Notebook$$`some
> number and in one case FE$$` another number. None of this bears
> resemblance to any of my symbols, and I don't recognize the form from
> any other experience I've had. A diligent search of documentation or
> web turns up nothing.
> Any hints or guesses on how to approach fixing this?
> Fred Klingener

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