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Manipulate a complex expression

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77782] Manipulate a complex expression
  • From: Daniele <d.malleo at>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 04:00:55 -0400 (EDT)

I'm trying to use the new Manipulate function to evaluate a complex
expression. I'm getting a headache, as I'm not familiar with the
Mathematica notation (I do most of my work, numerically, with another system).
Maybe somebody here can help debug these few lines?

The expression I want to 'manipulate' is the following:

MeasuredCMF := VolumeFraction ( EpsilonCell - EpsilonMedium)/
( EpsilonCell + 2 EpsilonMedium)

Where VolumeFraction is a parameter, and the other variables are
complex and a function of 'f'.
They are defined below.

omega := 2 Pi f
EpsilonCyt := PermittivityCyt - ( ConductivityCyt/omega) I
EpsilonMembrane := PermittivityMembrane - (ConductivityMembrane/omega)
EpsilonMedium := PermittivityMedium - (ConductivityMedium/omega) I

CMFCell := ( EpsilonCyt - EpsilonMembrane)/( EpsilonCyt + 2
v := CellRadius/(CellRadius - MembraneThickness)
EpsilonCell := EpsilonMembrane *(v^3 + 2 CMFCell)/(v^3 - CMFCell)

Epsilon0 = 8.85 10^-12;
PermittivityCyt = 120 Epsilon0;
PermittivityMembrane = 6 Epsilon0;
PermittivityMedium = 80 Epsilon0;
ConductivityCyt = 0.15;
ConductivityMedium = 0.15;
ConductivityMembrane = 1 10^-9;
CellRadius = 10 10^-6;
MembraneThickness = 9 10^-9;

 if I define VolumeFraction (eg. VolumeFraction=0.1) and plot
Re[MeasuredCMF] vs. f, I have no problem.
But I am unable to successfully do the following (I get a blank plot)

  Evaluate[Re[MeasuredCMF]], {f, 1 10^5, 1 10^9}], {{VolumeFraction,
   0.2}, 0.1, 0.5}]

Can somebody help? I suspect I'm not using the assignment syntax

Daniele Malleo

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