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Re: Mathematica 6.0 not running in Fedora 7?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77902] Re: Mathematica 6.0 not running in Fedora 7?
  • From: schoeller.porter at
  • Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 06:43:18 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f4r4jo$a95$><f4tji8$fsi$>

> A message to Wolfram developers:
> Could you, please, make Mathematica to run with both and

This particular issue is an effect of an ABI change in G++ that
occurred between GCC 3.2 and GCC 3.4. As a result of this change,
programs like Mathematica that are dependent on are
incompatible with the GCC 3.4 and later libstdc++ that is installed by
default with most Linux distributions. Unfortunately, many Linux
distributions have recently stopped installing (the GCC
3.2 libstdc++) by default. The end result is the problem that you are

However, most of the distributions still maintain in a
compatibilty package. For Fedora, this is compat-libstdc++-33.
Installing this package will resolve the issue. Note that we do have
an FAQ for this:

> One more question:
> can someone please explain to me why Mathematica 6.0 conflicts with
> Security Enhenced Linux?

This is due to 3rd party libraries that we rely on for high-
performance linear algebra. We are working with the vendor to support
SELinux better, but for the time-being, there are two solutions:

1) Set SELinux to "Permissive". This is obviously not ideal for all

2) Reset the security context of the troublesome libraries, so that
SELinux allows text segment relocation. Exactly how to do this varies
a bit from distribution to distribution. We do have an FAQ for this as
well, but I suggest that you consult the SELinux documentation for
your distribution for specific instructions.

We do our best to maintain as broad of support for all Linux
distributions as possible. Unfortunately, however, Linux is a moving
target and once in a while we get caught in the  middle of changes in
the way Linux works.


Schoeller Porter
Senior Software Engineer
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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