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Re: Copy and cut is unable

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg78219] Re: Copy and cut is unable
  • From: mruzic at
  • Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:28:48 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f55q6s$k20$>

After hours and hours investigations, reinstaling, updating system,
instaling xp SP2, etc...  finally problem solved. Im putting
explanation here just to help others in same situation.

Fortunately, the solution is very simple. To say, so simple that it
really pains  when i recall more than two days thrown for such a

To make long story short the solution is: Open option inspector and
back all modified values to their defaults. :)

Thats it. A more explanations of problem follows, and Im not recommend
to read unless  having  problem described.

1)  In context menu (and edit menu) sometimes cut and copy is grayed,
ie. unable to execute, and in other cases cut and copy is available,
means not grayed,  but doesnt work when pasting in same or new
notebook - ie. when click on paste, nothing happens.
Same is for Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v.

2) In second case (when copy is available in context menu), i tried to
paste it in other applications, notepad for example, and it paste
something, but not expression as it looks like and what i wanted to
copy.  It pastes a long version with "#/ etc simbols which, as far as
i  know is something what displayes when selected " show expression"
under Cell menu.

3) If i have a few notebooks opened, and close one of them, the dialog
box appears asking me do I want to save changes, but it appeares
under! the other opened notebooks and there is no way to get it. Of
course, I cant do anything in mathematica becouse mathematica waits
for response on that dialog box, which is not accesible.. and only
solution is to close mathematica in task manager.

4) When mathematica is opened and active on desktop, it doesn't allow
any other application to be active,  ie. to take fokus on dektop,
until pressing the minimise button in mathematica  front end.

It was vary strange and frustrating to me to find out that nobody has
the same problem as far as i could found on internet.
I mentioned that I reinstaled a couple of times and updated my system
etc.. but no helps.
After all investigations, the symptom 4. remind me on similar options
in other applications named: always on top.

Of course, i played with options in option inspector before with no
succes, but this time i decide to bak all modified options to their
default values to see if that helps in any symptoms.
Surprisingly i found a lot of options modified before, and back them
manually (cca 30).. and  all symptoms dissappeared :)

After all Im a little bit sorry because i dont know exactly which
options play a main role in my "problems", but after two full days of
troubleshootings, it is not a big price to pay :)

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