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Re: DelaunayTriangulation[] output

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg83231] Re: DelaunayTriangulation[] output
  • From: "Steve Luttrell" <steve at>
  • Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 05:45:50 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <fhegn1$m6p$>

Here is one way of doing approximately what you want based on the 
documentation for the Computational Geometry Package.

Set up the package and an example set of data.

<< ComputationalGeometry`

Here is my quick and dirty extraction of triangles. I take each adjacency 
list and partition it into overlapping pairs, then prepend the reference 
node to form a triple, then sort the resulting triple (in preparation for 
the Union later), then flatten all these triples into a flat list of 
triples, then do a Union to eliminate common triples, leaving you with a 
list of triples that are the triangles that you wanted.


Compare the graphics in the following two outputs:


You see that the results are nearly the same except at the boundary. I hope 
this gets you near to what you wanted.

Steve Luttrell
West Malvern

"Dominick" <pd20012000 at> wrote in message 
news:fhegn1$m6p$1 at
> Hi guys I was wondering if you could                      help me with a 
> couple of problems im having.                    I'm writing a program 
> that when given two images it creates a morph in between them.The 
> algorithm im implementing uses control points i choose on the image and 
> them triangulates the the images using those control points.I then use the 
> subsquent triangles to create a 1 to 1 correspondance between the 2 
> images. Im using the DelaunayTriangulation[] command  to do the 
> triangulation for me.Well my problem is the output of 
> DelaunayTriangulation. I need a triangle list ie;
>                           i  j k
>                           1  5 2
>                           2  3 7
>                           . . .
>       where i,j,k are the vertices of the triangle
>  but DelaunayTriangulation outputs an adjacency list ie
>      { {i,{points that are connected to i},..}
> I was wondering if anyone knew how to convert this list to the triangle 
> based list i need.If i get this figured out then 90%+ of the program is 
> done.I appreciate any help.

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