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Changing the shortcut keys for applying styles

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg81669] Changing the shortcut keys for applying styles
  • From: Rob <box2718-mathgroup at>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 04:45:17 -0400 (EDT)

Hi, everyone. I thought that I might introduce myself to the list before my
 first post. My name is Rob and I'm a graduate student. I am a huge fan of
Mathematica and use it for typesetting almost all of my homework. I've post
ed one or two questions to this group in the past and really appreciate the
 help that you folks offer.    Anyway, I just upgraded to Mathematica 6 from Mathematica 5.2, and I'm trying to figure out how to set up short
cut keys for applying styles. Basically, I want to be able to press:   
Alt-1 to apply the style Section      Alt-2 to apply the style Subsection      Alt-3 to apply the style Subsubsection      Alt-4 to apply the style Text      Alt-5 to apply the style Input      Alt-6 to apply the style NumberedDisplayFormula      Alt-7 to apply the style AStyleIDefined      Alt-8 to apply the style AnotherStyleIDefined    Alt-9 to apply the style Item     I figure that I'll probably have to make my own style sheet to do this, and am hoping that I won't have to change the original style sheet too much to do it.     I should say that I am also a big fan of a free macro program called AutoHotKey, ( and would love to be able to apply a style from an AutoHotKey macro. Eventually I'd love to find a way to control Mathematica from AHK, perhaps using mathlink. In the shorter term, since AHK can issue arbitrary keystrokes, I'd love to be able to apply a style by having AHK press, for example, Ctrl-Alt-WindowsKey-Shift-1, but I have no idea how I mi!
t program that. I looked in  C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\SystemFiles\FrontEnd\TextResources\Windows\, but couldn't find anything about style application.  Does anyone have any tips regarding how I might accomplish either of these?  Thanks in advance,  Rob    

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