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Supercomputing Engine for Mathematica (SEM) now available

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg81330] Supercomputing Engine for Mathematica (SEM) now available
  • From: Advanced Cluster Systems <newsroom at>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:34:23 -0400 (EDT)

A collaboration between Advanced Cluster Systems, LLC and Dauger
Research, Inc. has produced a new and exciting product for Mathematica
users. It is called Supercomputing Engine for Mathematica (SEM).

Closely following the supercomputing industry-standard Message-Passing
Interface (MPI), SEM creates a standard way for every Mathematica
kernel in a cluster or a multi-CPU workstation to communicate with
each other directly. In contrast to typical grid implementations that
are solely master-slave or server-client, this solution instead has
all kernels communicate with each other directly and collectively the
way modern supercomputers do.

SEM under-the-hood technologies such as Dauger Research's Pooch and
MacMPI provide the support infrastructure to enable this
supercomputing-style parallel startup and inter-kernel communication.
After locating, launching, and coordinating Mathematica kernels on a
cluster or a multi-CPU workstation, SEM creates and supports an "all-
to-all" communication topology, which high-performance computing
practitioners find necessary to address the largest problems in
scientific computing since the earliest large supercomputers, all
within the Mathematica computing environment.

SEM provides a rich library of high-level Mathematica commands for
parallel functions that closely follow the MPI standard. Knowledge of
low-level MPI commands is not required, a significant advantage over
complexity of programming with C or Fortran. Other SEM advantages
include Running Mathemtica symbolic manipulations in parallel across a
cluster or a multi-CPU workstation (An industry first), and utilizing
the whole RAM of the whole cluster to hold the entire Mathematica
problem (A major advantage for problems that require huge amount of

SEM plays an important role in ACS' Math Supercomputer-In-A-Box. This
pre-packaged Mathematica supercomputing solution alone reduces
execution times of Mathematica algorithms up to 700%. This solution
will be demonstrated at ACS' booth in the upcoming SC07 show.

SEM is available for the Mac OS X 10.4 or later platform and can run
on any Apple CPU, a group of networked Apple CPU's (Gigabit
recommended) and/or multi-CPU workstations. No extra hardware
required. Valid Wolfram gridMathematica license or Mathematica
Personal Grid Edition license is required for Mathematica kernels
utilized by SEM.

For more details, video, sample problems and user guide, please visit:

For information on the Math Supercomputer-In-A-Box, please visit:

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