RE: StyleSheets How-to
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85679] RE: [mg85651] StyleSheets How-to
- From: "David Annetts" <davidannetts at>
- Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:55:30 -0500 (EST)
- References: <>
Hi Jakub, > Does anybody know about some good tutorial about the creation > and edition of StyleSheets (M6.0.1)? I have found some > information in the help and on WRI documentation pages, but > all the information is only partial and I need to glue it in > my head little bit. For my money, David Park's tutorial of v6 stylesheets is as lucid as it gets. It's in the Mathematica section on his website which is > What I cannot find anywhere is, how to work with background > images in StyleSheet (for axample the brown hexagons on the > top of Creative/NaturalColor StyleSheet). I have searched in > Option Inspector nearly line by line and haven't found it. If > I open this StyleSheet notebook in some text editor, it seems > to me, that the image is may be UUencoded inside the > notebook. There is something like in it: <snippage> > But how to create StyleSheet with my own images? You are talking about docked cells. For simple bitmaps, this can be done using the following algorithm 1. Import["bitmap"] Import["my_Image.jpg"] 2. Convert cell containing bitmap to a bitmap using Cell->"Convert to"->Bitmap. AFAIK, this is a mouse-only step. I'd be interested to hear otherwise. 3. Select this cell and copy it into an expression. This will result is a very long cell, but, provided it starts with GraphicsData["CompressedBitmap", "..."], you should be fine. mainHeader = GraphicsData["CompressedBitmap", "..."]; 4. Create docked cells is a new notebook using CreateWindow[DockedCells -> Cell[mainHeader, "DockedCell", ImageSize -> {720, 102}]] At this point, you can specfiy other options in CreateWindow & Cell such as Background. Caveats. A. As far as I can tell, the docked cells are eye-candy. They don't appear on any printout. This makes sense if the docked cells contain buttons, but it they contain "your company graphic", there seems to me to be little point. B. The docked cells width is fixed. Fine for fixed-size windows. Not fine when windows can be resized and when (6.0.0) Cell background has no effect. C. The steps above are very clunky. Dave.
- References:
- StyleSheets How-to
- From: Šerých Jakub <>
- StyleSheets How-to