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Re: Printing, WYSIWYG, and Window Magnification?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90310] Re: Printing, WYSIWYG, and Window Magnification?
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 04:50:47 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Stanford University
  • References: <g4fhsp$9p5$> <> <> <g4klfu$m8e$>

In article <g4klfu$m8e$1 at>,
 Murray Eisenberg <murray at> wrote:

> Addendum: A Print Preview, whose absence Helen Read noted in another 
> post to this thread, is the single greatest improvement in the Front End 
> I can imagine now.
> Of course to want that, one has to believe in printed material.

I don't really understand the point being made (or implied?) in the 
final sentence above.

For me, at any rate, all of the "printed material" I create, deal with, 
store, or occasionally print these days is created, read, stored, and 
occasionally printed in or from PDF format -- and the "occasional print" 
aspect means I would like these PDF files to be, except for rare 
exceptions, created in letter-size page format, with user-controllable 
option for portrait or landscape orientation.

So without getting into semantic questions as to the meaning of "printed 
material", the basic question can also be phrased:  How can one view a 
_magnified_ display of a Mathematica notebook on screen, with this 
magnified display showing the contents of the notebook in an exactly 
WYSIWYG representation (except for the magnification!) of what 
Mathematica will deliver a letter-size PDF file of that display? -- same 
line breaks, same page breaks, same line and paragraph spacings, same 
relative sizes of text and graphics, and generally everything usually 
thought of as included in WYSIWYG.

[And as secondary points, how can one be sure that Mathematica will 
embed in this PDF any of it's own fonts that are used in the PDF, so 
that one does not run into font problems if the resulting PDF is 
transferred to another machine, or opened in another application?

And also, even if one asks for a font like Helvetica to be used in 
graphics, Mathematica has an annoying habit of taking a negative axis 
label or tick value like "-10" and converting it into two separate 
strings, with the minus sign "-" in a Mathematica font as one string and 
the "10" in Helvetica as a separate string.  There used to be an arcane 
option for blocking this behavior; does it still exist?]

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